CLVI. Prayer heard, and Zion restored

1 Let Zion and her Sons rejoice,
Behold the promis'd Hour;
Her GOD hath heard her mourning Voice,
And comes t' exalt his Pow'r.

2 Her Dust and Ruins that remain
Are precious in our Eyes;
Those Ruins shall be built again,
And all that Dust shall rise.

3 The LORD will raise Jerusalem
And stand in Glory there;
Nations shall bow before his Name,
And Kings attend with Fear.

4 He sits a Sov'reign on his Throne,
With Pity in his Eyes;
He hears the dying Pris'ners' groan,
And sees their Sighs arise.

5 He frees the Souls condemn'd to Death,
And when his Saints complain,
It sha'nt be said, "That praying Breath
Was ever spent in vain."

6 This shall be known when we are dead,
And left on long Record;
That Ages yet unborn may read,
And trust, and praise the LORD.

Text Information
First Line: Let Zion and her Sons rejoice
Title: Prayer heard, and Zion restored
Language: English
Publication Date: 1791
Topic: Hope of Israel
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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