1 Sweetly sing, sweetly sing,
Praises to our heav'nly King;
Let us raise, let us raise
High our notes of praise;
Praise to Him whose name is Love,
Praise to Him who reigns above;
Raise your songs, raise your songs,
Now with thankful tongues.
2 Angels bright, angels bright,
Rob'd in garments pure and white,
Chant his praise, chant his praise
In melodious lays;
But from that bright, happy throng,
Ne'er can come this sweetest song,
"Pard'ning love, pard'ning love,
Brought us here above."
3 Far away, far away,
We in sin's dark valley lay,
Jesus came, Jesus came,
Blessed be his name;
He redeem'd us by his grace,
Then prepar'd in heav'n a place
To receive, to receive,
All who will believe.