15721. To All The Saints Of God On Earth

1 To all the saints of God on earth;
Their death day is their day of birth
Death is their door of life, the Sacred Way
By which they pass to realms of endless day.

2 And whence do all the saints derive
The life by which through death they live?
From God made flesh; on Him their virtues grow.
He is the fount from which their graces flow.

3 We sang to God on yestermorn,
When Jesus Christ for us was born;
And from His birth the saints their birthdays date;
And in the saints their Lord we celebrate.

4 Today the first of martyrs dies,
And dying enters paradise;
Foes rage against him; but what gleams of grace
Angelic shine on his transfigured face!

5 While storms of stones around him fly,
His soul is anchored in the sky;
I see Heav’n opened, and at God’s right hand
The Son of Man, he cries, in glory stand.

6 Jesu, receive my soul, he says.
Kneels down, and then more loudly prays,
Lord, do not this their sin in memory keep—
And when he thus had said, he fell asleep.

7 Lord, when we suffer here for Thee,
Grant us Thy glorious face to see,
And on the spirit’s wings of faith and love
Waft us from earth to light and life above.

8 Praises to God the Father give,
And to the Son in whom we live;
And praise to God the Holy Spirit be,
One everlasting God, and Persons Three.

Text Information
First Line: To all the saints of God on earth
Title: To All The Saints Of God On Earth
Author: Christopher Wordsworth
Meter: 88.10.10
Language: English
Source: The Holy Year (London: Rivingtons, 1862)
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Meter: 88.10.10
Key: C Major
Source: Rostockerhandboken, 1529
Copyright: Public Domain

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