16234. Hear The Savior Calling

1 When I was far away from God,
And all was dark to me,
I heard a voice from Hea­ven say,
"The Sav­ior calls for thee."

He’s call­ing for thee, oh, sin­ner, obey;
The Sav­ior still pleads, He’s plead­ing to­day;
Oh, hear His sweet voice, and turn not away,
For Je­sus is wait­ing to save you to­day.

2 Yet still I wan­dered on in sin,
Still world­ly plea­sures sought,
Until it seemed all hope had fled—
I had my ru­in wrought. [Refrain]

3 But, in my hope­less­ness, that voice
Was speak­ing love e’en then—
"If thou wouldst full sal­va­tion have,
Thou must be born again." [Refrain]

4 And now that I this new birth have,
And God lives in my soul,
I pray you, sin­ner, turn to Christ,
That He may make you whole. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: When I was far away from God
Title: Hear The Savior Calling
Author: Edward S. Fogg (1894)
Refrain First Line: He’s call­ing for thee, oh, sin­ner, obey
Language: English
Source: Songs of the Pentecost for the Forward Gospel Movement by Charles H. Gabriel and Isaac W. Naylor (New York: George Hughes, 1894)
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Name: [When I was far away from God]
Composer: Edward S. Fogg
Key: G Major or modal
Copyright: Public Domain

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