1 Father of life, confessing
Thy majesty and power,
We seek Thy gracious blessing
To greet the bridal hour.
The troth in Eden plighted
The wedded here renew;
May they, in Thee united,
Till death be pure and true.
2 Jesu, Redeemer, hear us!
Still be the wedding guest;
Thy gentle presence near us
Makes common things more blest;
E’en care shall be a learning
Of blessedness divine,
If Thou wilt still be turning
The water into wine.
3 Spirit of Love, descending,
Impart Thy joy and peace,
These hopes together blending,
Bless with Thine own increase.
Athwart the roughest ocean,
Or on the peaceful tide,
Thy breath through each emotion
Their heavenward course shall guide.
4 The Church, Thy bride, hath given
Her blessing on the vow;
Oh, ratify from Heaven
Her benison below.
Bless, Father, Son and Spirit,
The union here begun,
That in the life eternal
It may be ever one.