918. Come, Let Us Sing Before the Lord

1. Come, let us sing before the Lord
New songs of praise with sweet accord,
For wonders great by Him are done,
His mighty arm has victory won.

2. The great salvation of our God
Is seen through all the earth abroad;
Before the nations’ wondering sight
He has revealed His truth and right.

3. He called to mind the truth and grace
Bestowed upon His chosen race,
And unto earth’s remotest bound
Glad tidings of salvation sound.

4. All lands, to God lift up your voice,
Sing praise to Him, with shouts rejoice;
With voice of joy and loud acclaim
Let all unite and praise His name.

5. Praise ye the Lord with harp and song,
With voice of psalms His praise prolong;
In swelling chorus gladly sing
And shout before the Lord, the king.

6. Let earth be glad, let ocean roar,
And praises sound from shore to shore;
Let floods and hills with glad accord
Show forth their joy before the Lord.

7. For, lo, He comes; at His command
All nations shall in judgment stand;
In justice robed, and throned in light,
The Lord shall judge, dispensing right.

Text Information
First Line: Come, let us sing before the Lord
Title: Come, Let Us Sing Before the Lord
Author: Anonymous (1912)
Meter: LM
Language: English
Source: The Psalter (Pittsburgh: The United Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1912)
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Name: GILEAD (Méhul)
Composer: Étienne-Nicolas Méhul, 1763-1817 (arr.)
Meter: LM
Incipit: 56711 11112 23314
Key: B♭ Major
Copyright: Public Domain

Adobe Acrobat image: Adobe Acrobat image
(Cyber Hymnal)
MIDI file: MIDI File
(Cyber Hymnal)
Noteworthy Composer score: Noteworthy Composer score
(Cyber Hymnal)
XML score: XML score

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