1 Oh the love that us redeemèd!
Who can all that love explore?
From the cross on us it beamèd,
Angel hosts that love, adore;
Wondrous love from Heav’n descending,
Men to raise to life on high!
Be our praise to Him ascending
Who for sinners deigned to die!
2 Holy Lamb of God! we bless Thee:
Thou our sins hast borne away;
King of kings our songs confess Thee,
Light of everlasting day!
What though still the world disown Thee,
Thou o’er Heav’n and earth dost reign;
In our hearts we, Lord, enthrone Thee,
Thou wilt not our love disdain.
3 For Thy sorrows we adore Thee,
For the griefs that wrought our peace:
Gracious Savior! we implore Thee,
In our hearts Thy love increase.
Lord, to Thee in sorrow flying,
May we find in Thee our rest:
Lord, on Thee in death relying,
May our end in Thee be blest.