AI. The True Christian

1 All we who have know the Law's dreadful sentence
Should put on the armor the gospel prepares,
By faith, love and patience, and living repentance,
Commit to the Lord all our causes and cares,
We'll die to this world, and all its false pleasures,
And in our Lord's Kingdom we'll lay up our treasure,
Where safety, and honor, and love without measure,
Invite us to join the blest ensign of life.

2 Oh! then may I never forget the great blessing,
Of him who hath purchas'd my life with his blood,
And to his great father now makes intercession
That those who believe may become sons of God,
What tho' while below we do meet with temptation,
Through faith we shall conquer, Oh sweet consolation,
For Jesus hath told us thro' great tribulation.
His servants must enter the Kingdom of rest.

3 May each with sincere and unfeign'd resolution,
Pursue the straight path that our savior hath trod,
Nor world, flesh, nor devil can make a disunion,
Twixt Christ and the soul that is born of God,
Forsaking this world, and all things tat are carnal,
Religion that's lukewarm, and lifeless and formal,
Pursue those bright truths that may last us eternal,
In heav'n where perfect love casteth out fear.

4 My Savior is gone to his kingdom in glory,
To build me a mansion house there without hands,
And my feeble spirit here waits till he call me,
to sing his loud praises in that promis'd land,
There shall I behold creation's great father,
Encircled with glorious perfections eternal,
Whom angelic spirits, nor Gabriel can fathom,
Nor Heav'ns high harpers fulfil the praise due.

Text Information
First Line: All we who have known the Law's dreadful sentence
Title: The True Christian
Language: English
Publication Date: 1802
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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