XXXVIII. A Hymn for a young Convert

1 When converts first begin to sing
Their happy souls are on the wing!
Their theme is all redeeming love.
Fain would they be with Christ above.

2 With admiration they behold,
The love of Christ that can't be told,
They view themselves upon the shore,
And think the battle all is o'er.

3 They feel themselves quite free from pain,
And think their enemies are slain,
They make no doubt but all is well,
And Satan is cast down to hell.

4 They wonder why old saints don't sing,
And make the heav'nly arches ring--
Ring with melodious joyful sound,
Because a prodigal is found.

5 But 'tis not long before they feel
Their feeble souls begin to reel,
They think their former hopes are vain,
For they are bound in Satan's chain.

6 The morning that did shine so bright,
Is turned to the shades of night;
Their harps that did with music sing,
Are now untun'd in ev'ry string.

7 Oh! foolish child, why didst thou boast
In the enlargement of thy coast,
Why dost thou think to fly away,
Before thou leav'st this feeble clay?

8 Come take up arms and face the field,
Come gird on harness, sword and shield,
Stand fast in faith, fight for your king,
And soon the vict'ry you shall win.

9 When Satan comes to tempt your minds,
Then meet him with these blessed lines--
For Christ our Lord has swept the field,
And we're determin'd not to yield.

Text Information
First Line: When converts first begin to sing
Title: A Hymn for a young Convert
Language: English
Publication Date: 1802
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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