240. Thus the eternal Father spake

1 Thus the eternal Father spake
To Christ the Son, 'Ascend and sit
'At my right hand, till I shall make
'Thy foes submissive at thy feet.

2 'From Zion shall thy word proceed;
'Thy word, the sceptre in thy hand,
'Shall make the hearts of rebels bleed,
'And bow their wills to thy command.

3 'That day shall shew thy pow'r is great,
'When saints shall flock with willing minds,
'And sinners crowd thy temple gate,
'Where holiness in beauty shines.'

4 O bless'd pow'r! O glorious day!
What a large vict'ry shall ensue!
And converts, who thy grace obey,
Exceed the drops of morning dew.

Text Information
First Line: Thus the eternal Father spake
Meter: L. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1790
Notes: Part 1
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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