189. Precious Word from God in heaven

1 Precious Word from God in heaven,
Full of blessedness to me,
All my trust to thee is given,
And my springs all rise in thee;
I in thee find all I need,
That my soul to God can lead.

2 Gracious Spirit, Thou who showest
In the Word the Father's heart,
And all needful help bestowest,
Light and sense to me impart,
That I may the riches see
Which God's Word here offers me.

3 In its solemn contemplation
From vain cares let me be free,
And in prayerful adoration
Stay Thou all my thoughts on Thee,
That the world may not annoy
While I make Thy Word my joy.

4 What I read, help that I heed it,
What Thou sayest, let me do;
Strength to faith grant as I need it,
And remind me still anew
That the faith that counts above
Is e'er active here in love.

5 Let thy grace sustain, protect me,
That my ways ne'er from Thee part;
Thy enlightening Word direct me;
Seal this treasure in my heart,
That my faith may steadfast prove,
Till I walk by sight above.

Text Information
First Line: Precious Word from God in heaven
Language: English
Publication Date: 1880
Topic: The Catechism: The Word
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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