a85. Jesus Christ to-day is risen

1 Jesus Christ to-day is risen,
And o'er death triumphant reigns;
He has burst the grave's strong prison,
Leading sin herself in chains.
Kyrie eleison.

2 For our sin the sinless Savior
Bare the heavy wrath of God;
Reconciling us, that favor
Might be shown us through His blood.
Kyrie eleison.

3 In His hands He hath forever
Grace and life, and sin and death;
Christ His people can deliver,
All who come to Him in faith.
Kyrie eleison.

Text Information
First Line: Jesus Christ to-day is risen
Language: English
Publication Date: 1895
Topic: The Church Year: Easter
Notes: Author from Index: Luther— R. Massie; Hymn from the German Text: Jesus Christus, unser Heiland
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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