249. Come, God, Creator, Holy Ghost

1 Come, God, Creator, Holy Ghost,
And visit Thou the souls of men;
Fill them with graces, as Thou dost,
Thy creatures make pure again.

2 For Comforter Thy name we call,
Sweet Gift of God most high above,
A holy Unction to us all,
A living Fount, Fire, and Love.

3 Our minds enlighten and refresh,
Deep in our hearts let love burn bright;
Thou know'st the weakness of our flesh;
O strengthen us with Thy might.

4 Thou with Thy wondrous sevenfold gifts,
The Finger art of God's right hand;
The Father's Word Thou sendest swift
On tongues of fire to each land.

5 Drive far from us our wily foe,
Grant us Thy blessed peace within,
That in Thy footsteps we may go,
And shun the dark ways of sin.

6 Teach us to know the Father well
And Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord,
That in our hearts true faith may dwell,
Spirit of both, aye adored!

7 To God the Father, God the Son
Who from the dead is risen again,
And God the Spirit, Three in One,
Be evermore praise. Amen.

Text Information
First Line: Come, God, Creator, Holy Ghost
Meter: 8, 8, 8, 7
Language: English
Publication Date: 1918
Topic: Pentecost
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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