403. Now Christ, the very Son of God

1 Now Christ, the very Son of God,
On sinners sends another flood;
It is the water which the Lord
Has comprehended in the Word.

2 This flood, to cleanse sin's leprosy,
Mere earthly water cannot be;
But water and God's gracious Word
Conjoined, this saving bath afford.

3 "Go ye," says Christ, "my Word proclaim,
Baptize the nations in God's name;
All who are baptized and believe
My full salvation shall receive."

4 God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
To be baptized invites the host;
He will be present, though unseen,
From all their sins to wash them clean.

5 So too, by our repentance, must
The old man, with his sins and lust,
Be daily drowned, and then arise
A new man, righteous, pure, and wise.

6 That by the water and the Word
We're born again, we thank Thee, Lord!
In life and death Thine let us be,
And Thine in all eternity.

Text Information
First Line: Now Christ, the very Son of God
Meter: L. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1918
Topic: Catechism
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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