707. Take Thou Our Minds, Dear Lord

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1 Take thou our minds, dear Lord, we humbly pray;
give us the mind of Christ each passing day;
teach us to know the truth that sets us free;
grant us in all our thoughts to honor thee.

2 Take thou our hearts, O Christ; they are thine own;
come thou within our souls and claim thy throne;
help us to shed abroad thy deathless love;
use us to make the earth like heaven above.

3 Take thou our wills, Most High! Hold thou full sway;
have in our inmost souls thy perfect way;
guard thou each sacred hour from selfish ease;
guide thou our ordered lives as thou dost please.

4 Take thou ourselves, O Lord, heart, mind, and will;
through our surrendered souls thy plans fulfill.
We yield ourselves to thee: time, talents, all;
we hear, and henceforth heed, thy sovereign call.

Text Information
First Line: Take thou our minds, dear Lord, we humbly pray
Title: Take Thou Our Minds, Dear Lord
Author (sts. 1-3; st. 4): William H. Foulkes (1918; 1920 c.)
Language: English
Publication Date: 2013
Scripture: ; ; ; ; ; ;
Topic: Commitment; Dedication and Stewardship; Evangelism (3 more...)
Tune Information
Name: HALL
Composer: Calvin Weiss Laufer (1918)
Key: E♭ Major

Text Information:

This hymn began with the tune, which the composer hummed to the author with a request for a text that would challenge the hearts and minds of young people. The text of the first three stanzas was written that day, and the fourth stanza later emerged at a youth conference.

Audio recording: Audio (MP3)
More media are available on the text authority and tune authority pages.

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