185. O Friend of Sinners, Son of God

1 O Friend of sinners, Son of God,
Who this drear vale of tears hast trod,
Thou blest Immanuel,
To Thee in faith we now appeal;
The pow'r is Thine to bless and heal,
Thou doest all things well.

2 The deaf, the dumb, the halt, the blind,
In Thee, incarnate God, did find
Relief in their distress;
And lepers, pleading aid divine,
Found healing in a word of Thine,
For Thou canst heal and bless.

3 Our grateful prayers ascend to Thee,
For Thou hast healed sin's leprosy,
And cleansed us from its stain.
O blest Physician, Thou hast still
A cure for every mortal ill,
A balm for every pain.

4 Our lives we consecrate to Thee,
Thou spotless Lamb of Calvary,
Let us be wholly Thine.
Cleansed, pardoned, ransomed, healed by Thee,
O grant us grace eternally
To praise Thy love divine.


Text Information
First Line: O Friend of sinners, Son of God
Title: O Friend of Sinners, Son of God
Author: Anna B. D. Hoppe
Publication Date: 1937
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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