152. Jesus, our triumphant Head

1 Jesus, our triumphant Head,
Ris'n victorious from the dead,
To the realms of glory's gone
To ascend his rightful throne.

2 Cherubs on the Conqu'rer gaze,
Seraphs glow with brighter blaze;
Each bright order of the sky
Hail him, as he passes by.

3 Heav'n its King congratulates,
Opens wide her golden gates.
Angels songs of vict'ry bring;
All the blissful regions ring.

4 Sinners, join the heav'nly pow'rs;
For redemption all is ours.
Humble penitents shall prove
Blood-bought pardon, dying love.

5 Hail, thou dear, thou worthy Lord!
Holy Lamb! incarnate word!
Hail, thou suffering Son of God!
Take the trophies of thy blood.

Text Information
First Line: Jesus, our triumphant Head
Meter: P. M.
Publication Date: 1828
Topic: Christ: Resurrection, Ascension, Intercession and Glory
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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