417. Dear Jesus, let thy pitying eye

1 Dear Jesus, let thy pitying eye
Call back a wand'ring sheep;
False to my vows, like Peter, I
Would fain, like Peter, weep.

2 Now let me be by grace restor'd,
To me thy mercy shown;
Oh turn and look upon me, Lord,
And break my heart of stone.

3 Almighty Prince, enthron'd above,
Repentance to impart,
Grant, thro' the greatness of thy love,
The humble, contrite heart.

4 Give, what I should have long implor'd,
A taste of love unknown;
Oh, turn and look upon me, Lord,
And break my heart of stone.

5 Behold me, Saviour, from above,
Nor suffer me to die;
For life, and happiness, and love
Smile in thy gracious eye.

6 Speak but the reconciling word;
Let mercy melt me down;
Oh, turn and look upon me, Lord,
And break my heart of stone.

Text Information
First Line: Dear Jesus, let thy pitying eye
Meter: C. M.
Publication Date: 1828
Topic: Christian experience: Backslider returning
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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