405. ‘Tis Better Far to Follow Jesus

1 ‘Tis better far to follow Jesus
No matter where His hand may lead;
Than with the world’s vain fleeting pleasures
Our souls’ immortal longing feed;
For He has made us for His glory
And His are joys that never die;
‘Tis sweeter far to follow Jesus,
For He alone can satisfy.

2 What matter if the way be thorny,
Or if dark waves of sorrow roll?
Beside me walks my loving Saviour
And I shall safely reach the goal;
For me He bore the throne and scoffing,
It was for me He bled and died;
‘Tis sweet that I may share His sorrow
And walk forever at His side.

3 What matter while I walk with Jesus
If to Gethsemane I go,
and in the darkness of its shadows
The fulest cup of anguish know?
For me shall be the after sweetness
Of angels’ ministry and strength,
And tho’ the waters may be bitter
In heaven’s peace I’ll rest at length.

4 What matter if I stand at Calv’ry
And lay my life down for the lost?
‘Twas only what He did before me,
I’ll follow Him at any cost;
Then from the pain, and shame, and dying,
In glorious pow’r I’ll rise again
To share the glory of His kingdom
And evermore with Jesus reign.

Text Information
First Line: Tis better far to follow Jesus
Title: ‘Tis Better Far to Follow Jesus
Author: M. A. S.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1936
Topic: Consecration
Tune Information
Name: [Tis better far to follow Jesus]
Arranger: May Agnew Stephens


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