98. Lord Jesus Christ, Thou highest good!

1 Lord Jesus Christ, Thou highest good!
To whom Thy ransomed flee,
Behold in penitential mood
A suppliant bows to Thee.
Through Thee I seek the Father's throne,
Forgiveness ask through Thee alone,
And strength for holy living.

2 Beneath a load of guilt I sigh;
Relieve my fainting heart--
Thou who in mortal agony
Didst bear my sin and smart.
Of Thee alone I crave relief;
Leave me not now in fear and grief
And dark despair to perish.

3 O where for comfort shall I turn,
When I the past survey?
How oft I've dared Thy grace to spurn,
And cast my bliss away:
Yet thine availing merit, Lord,
Deliverance and peace afford;
Thy word is all my solace.

4 This word, for ever precious, saith
The humble, contrite mind
That looks to Thee in simple faith
Shall full salvation find;
And then, from sin's dominion free,
Display true thankfulness to Thee,
Devoted to Thy glory.

5 To Thee I come at Thy behest,
Atoner of my sin!
Forgiveness and the promised rest
Through Thy desert to win.
Be merciful, my God, to me,
And let no more remembered be
The days of sin and folly.

6 Teach me, O Lord, before Thy face
This wayward heart to still;
With joyfulness to run my race,
And do Thy blessed will.
In a plain path do Thou me guide,
That faithful I may still abide,
And quit me to Thine honor.

7 And pour Thine oil of joy on me
When, the last moment nigh,
The parting spirit would be free
To join Thy saints on high.
Then may Thy death, Lord, cheer my heart;
And in Thy faith may I depart
To dwell with Thee for ever.

Text Information
First Line: Lord Jesus Christ, Thou highest good!
Author: B. Ringwald (1588)
Meter: 8, 6, 8, 6, 8, 8, 7.
Publication Date: 1913
Topic: The Church: Confession; Confession of Sin; Jesus Christ: Our Atoner
Tune Information
Name: [Lord Jesus Christ, Thou highest good!]
Arranger: L. Mason (1834)
Meter: 8, 6, 8, 6, 8, 8, 7.
Key: A Major
Source: Arr. from a Gregorian Chant

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