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The text is based on Psalm 22:27-31, the "vow of praise" part of this lament psalm (see PHH 22 for further comments on Psalm 22). It was first published with Doane's tune in the 1912 Psalter and in every edition of the Psalter Hymnal.
This text confesses with great certainty the worldwide rule of Christ, the Lord of lords and King of kings. All peoples and nations will submit to his reign (st. 1-2), for both rich and poor and future generations will confess the mighty deeds of the Lord (st. 3-4).
Bert Polman, Psalter Hymnal Handbook
The God who was active in providing his Son for our redemption, has also been active in the course of history and in the lives of his people. His activity in the course of history began when he created all things. Belgic Confession, Article 12 teaches that God, “when it seemed good to him, created heaven and earth and all other creatures from nothing, by the Word—that is to say, by the Son.” In addition, “God created human beings from the dust of the earth and made and formed them in his image and likeness.”
His activity also includes his constant care for all he has created. “…He watches over us with fatherly care, sustaining all creatures under his lordship” (Belgic Confession, Article 13). Additionally, God reveals himself by this “creation, preservation and government of the universe, since that universe is before our eyes like a beautiful book...” (Belgic Confession, Article 2).
We also believe that God’s mighty acts are revealed “in the unfolding of covenant history…witnessing to the news that Our World Belongs to God and he loves it deeply” (Our World Belongs to God, paragraph 33). Primary among these actions in the unfolding of covenant history is “the long road of redemption to reclaim the lost as his people and the world as his kingdom” (paragraph 18). As God’s people observe his work in their lives and in history they respond with praise and adoration.