164. What means this sadness

1 O! my soul, what means this sadness,
Wherefore art thou thus cast down?
Let thy grief be turn'd to gladness,
Bid thy restless fears be gone;
Look to Jesus,
Look to Jesus,
Put thy trust in him alone,
Put thy trust in him alone.

2 What though Satan's strong temptations
Vex thy spirit day by day;
And thy sinful inclinations
Often fill thee with dismay;
Thou shalt conquer,
Faith in Christ shall win the day.

3 Though ten thousand ills beset thee,
Fiends without and foes within:
Jesus never will forget thee,
He will save thee from all sin;
He is faithful,
None shall find his promise vain.

4 Though afflictions now attend thee,
And thou treadest a thorny road;
His right-hand shall still defend thee,
He will bring thee home to God:
Therefore praise him;
Travelling to his blest abode.

Text Information
First Line: O! my soul, what means this sadness
Title: What means this sadness
Publication Date: 1845
Tune Information
Composer: S. W.
Meter: P. M.
Key: D Major
Notes: *Select Melodies, Hymns 8, 52, 198 and 226.

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