1 O God, my gracious God, to Thee
My morning Pray'rs shall offer'd be;
For Thee my thirsty Soul does pant;
My fainting Flesh implores thy Grace,
Within this dry and barren Place
Where I refreshing Waters want.
2 O! to my longing Eyes once more,
That View of glorious Pow'r restore,
Which thy majestic House displays:
3 Because to me thy wond'rous Love
Than Life itself does dearer prove,
My Lips shall always speak thy Praise.
4 My Life, while I that Life enjoy,
In blessing God I will employ;
With lifted Hands adore his Name:
5 My soul's Content shall be as great
As theirs who choicest Dainties eat,
While I with Joy his Praise proclaim.
6 When I down lie, sweet Sleep to find,
Thou, Lord, art present to my Mind;
And when I wake in Dead of Night:
7 Because Thou still dost Succour bring,
Beneath the Shadow of thy Wing
I rest with Safety and Delight.
8 My Soul, when Foes would me devour,
Cleaves fast to thee, whose matchless Pow'r
In her Support is daily shown:
9 But those the righteous Lord shall slay,
That my Destruction wish; and they
that seek my Life, shall lose their own.
10,11 They by untimely Ends shall die,
Their Flesh a Prey to Foxes lie;
But God shall fill the King with Joy:
Who swears by Thee shall still rejoice;
Whilst the false Tongue, and lying voice,
Thou Lord, shalt silence and destroy.
Text Information | |
First Line: | O God, my gracious God, to Thee |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1754 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |