1 Lo! the day is breaking,
Heathen lands are waking,
Coming to the Saviour from afar;
Songs of rapture singing,
Grateful homage bringing,
Guided by the bright and Morning star.
Glory! glory! hallelujah!
Glory! glory! hallelujah!
Oh, the blessed reaping!
God the seed is keeping,
Scattered by the faithful from his word.
2 Still the trumpet sounding,
Loud and clear resounding,
Bids the nations from their chains be free;
Truth its light is shedding,
Far and wide ‘tis spreading,
Spreading like the waters of the sea. [Refrain]
3 Gold and wheat is growing,
Earnest hearts are glowing,
Looking to the harvest fields above;
Soon they’ll come with singing,
Fruits of labor bringing,
Welcomed by a Saviour’s tender love. [Refrain]