1 My GOD! my GOD! why leav'st thou me,
When I in anguish call on thee?
Why dost thou me neglect,
And my loud pray'r reject?
All day, but all the day in vain,
To thee, O Lord, do I complain;
All bight have I implor'd
Thy help to me restor'd.
2 Yet thou, O Lord, art ever just,
Relieving those, who in thee trust;
Therefore shalt Israel raise
To thee, continual praise:
On thee our ancestors rely'd,
And in thy strength their foes defy'd;
To thee their pray'rs address'd,
And with success were bless'd.
3 Thy sure deliv'rance, Lord, they found,
When dangers gather'd thickest round;
Thine ear their cries receiv'd,
And they were soon reliev'd;
But I, like none of human birth,
Am made the scoffing rabble's mirth;
Ev'n like a reptile base,
They hold me in disgrace.
Part II.
4 My agonies, the gazing crow'd,
Survey with scorn and laughter loud;
They mock whilst I complain,
And thus my woes disdain:
"He boasted, he was Heav'n's delight,
"Let God relieve his favorite;
"Let him assistance send,
"His servant to defend.
5 But thou didst from my mother's womb,
Make me a living offspring come;
Thy care thou didst extend,
Me helpless to defend:
My youth thou didst from dangers shield,
And guardian-like protection yield;
In thee I will confide,
For thou art still my guide.
6 Withdraw not then, O God, Most High!
Thy aid when trouble is so nigh:
Do thou that help extend,
On which I still depend.
High pampered bulls, a frowning throng,
From Basan's forest, fierce and strong,
Prepare with growing rage,
Against me to engage.
7 They gape on me, and to my fears,
Each mouth a yawning grave appears;
Wide open to devour
My woul, when in their pow'r:
The desart lion's savage roar,
Could not increase my horrors more.
In compact close combin'd,
They have my fall design'd.
Part III.
8 My joints are rack'd, and out of frame;
My heart like wax before the flame.
Within my bosom glows;
My blood like water flows:
My strength is parch'd' like potter's clay,
My fault'ring tongue forgets to play;
My soul all hope resigns,
And to the grave declines.
9 Like blood-hounds, they assembled round,
My harmless hands and feet they wound;
And through my constant pain,
I languish and complain;
That all my bones may well be told;
Yet this as pastime they behold,
And still their pleasure shew,
At each increase of woe.
10 As spoil, my garments they divide:
By lots their portions they decide;
Therefore thy arm extend,
And kind protection send.
From their sharp sword defend thou me,
And let my life from danger free;
Nor leave my soul o'erpower'd,
By dogs to be devour'd.
11 To me, O God! assistance send,
My life from lions fierce defend;
As once thy strength prevail'd,
When unicorns assail'd,
Then to my brethren I'll proclaim
The triumphs of thy holy name;
And to the Ssaints repair,
Thy glory to declare.
12 "Praise ye the Lord in songs divine,
"Ye num'rous race of Isr'el's line;
"To him with fervour pray,
"And low obeisance pay:
"His people he hath ne'er disdain'd,
"Or turn'd his face when they complain'd;
"But to their humble pray'r,
"Doth lend a gracious ear."
Part IV.
13 Thus in thy courts, thy name I'll bless,
And in loud songs my thanks express;
And to thy saints declare,
Thy providential care.
The meek companions of my grief,
Shall at my table find relief;
And all who seek thy face,
Shall find refreshing grace.
14 Then shall the world their homage pay,
To God, and his commands obey;
His pow'r they shall confess,
And pray'rs to him address.
From kings submission to receive,
In his supreme prerogative,
Who doth the worlds sustain;
And over all things reign.
15 The rich his bounty must confess,
The poor their gen'rous patron bless;
To him they all resort,
For succour and support:
Then shall a race exalt his name,
And to their heirs his truth proclaim,
'Till heav'n and earth combin'd,
Are all to God resign'd.
Text Information | |
First Line: | My God! my God! why leav'st thou me |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1789 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |