II.101. Hymn 101

When in the light of faith divine
We look on things below,
Honor, and gold, and sensual joy,
How vain and dangerous too!

[Honor's a puff of noisy breath;
Yet men expose their blood,
And venture everlasting death,
To gain that airy good.

Whilst others starve the nobler mind,
And feed on shining dust,
They rob the serpent of his food
T' indulge a sordid lust.]

The pleasures that allure our sense
Are dangerous snares to souls;
There's but a drop of flatt'ring sweet,
And dashed with bitter bowls.

God is mine all-sufficient good,
My portion and my choice;
In him my vast desires are filled,
And all my powers rejoice.

In vain the world accosts my ear,
And tempts my heart anew;
I cannot buy your bliss so dear,
Nor part with heav'n for you.

Text Information
First Line: When in the light of faith divine
Title: Hymn 101
Author: Isaac Watts
Meter: C. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1806
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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