1 The Lord upholds the falt'ring feet
And makes the weak securely stand;
The burdened ones, bowed down with grief,
Are helped by His most gracious hand.
The eyes of all upon Thee wait;
By Thee their wants are all supplied;
Thy open hand is bountiful,
And ev'ry soul is satisfied.
2 The Lord is just in all His ways,
In all His works the Lord is kind,
And all that call on Him in truth
In Him a present helper find.
He will fulfill the heart's desire
Of those that fear Him and obey;
Their cry the Lord will surely hear,
And He will save them when they pray.
3 His great salvation they shall know
Who love the Lord's most holy Name;
The wicked He will overthrow
And put His enemies to shame.
My mouth shall speak the glorious praise
Of Him Whom heav'n and earth adore;
Let all exalt His holy Name
Forever and for evermore.