105. Is it nothing to you that heaven's King

1 Is it nothing to you that heaven’s King
Came down to this world of woe,
That He suffered and bled, and rose from the dead,
That eternal life you might know?

Is it nothing to you that grace is free,
And that God in His love doth call?
Is it nothing to you? Is it nothing to you?
Is it nothing, nothing to you?

2 Is it nothing to you that by and by
You must travel death’s dark vale,
Where Jordan’s waves the pathway laves,
And all but Christ doth fail? [Refrain]

3 Is it nothing to you that some sweet day
In the heavenly land so fair
You may join the song that the ransomed throng
Are forever singing there. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: Is it nothing to you that heaven's King
Author: John R. Clements
Refrain First Line: Is it nothing to you that grace is free
Publication Date: 1905


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