I Sing to the Lord a new made song;
Let earth in one assembled throng,
Her common patron's praise resound;
Sing to the Lord and bless his name,
From day to day his praise proclaim,
Who us has with salvation crown'd.
To heathen lands his fame rehearse,
His wonders to the universe.
II He's great, and greatly to be prais'd:
In majesty and glory rais'd
Above all other deities;
For pageantry and idols all
Are they whom gods the heathen calls
He only ruses who made the skies,
With majesty and honour crown'd,
Beauty and strength his throne surrounds:
III Be therefore both to him restor'd,
By you who have false gods ador'd,
Ascribe due honour to his name;
Peace-off'rings on his altar lay,
Before his throne your homage pay,
Which he, and he alone, can claim.
To worship at his sacred court,
Let all the trembling world resort.
IV Proclaim aloud, Jehovah reigns,
Whose pow'r the universe sustains,
And banish'd justice will restore:
Let therefore heav'n new joys confess,
And heav'nly mirth let earth express,
Its loud applause the ocean roar;
Its mute inhabitants rejoice,
And for his triumph find a voice.
V For joy let fertile vallies sing,
The chearful groves their tribute bring;
The tuneful choir of birds awake,
The Lord's approach to celebrate,
Who now sets out with awful state,
His circuit through the earth to take.
From heav'n to judge the world he's come,
With justice to reward and doom.