CCXCV. Finished Redemption

1 Tis finished the Redeemer said,
And meekly bow'd his dying head,
Whilst we this sentence scan,
Come sinners, and observe the word.
Behold the conquests of the LORD
Compleat for helpless man.

2 Finish'd the righteousness of grace,
Finish'd for sinners pard'ning peace;
Their mighty debt is paid:
Accusing law cancell'd by blood,
And wrath of an offended GOD
In sweet oblivion laid.

3 Who now shall urge a second claim?
The law no longer can condemn;
Faith a release can shew;
Justice itself a friend appears,
The prison house a whisper hears,
"Loose him, and let him go."

4 O unbelief! injurious bar!
Source of tormenting, fruitless fear,
Why dost thou yet reply?
Where'er thy loud objections fall,
"'Tis finish'd," still may answer all,
And silence ev'ry cry.

Text Information
First Line: 'Tis finished the Redeemer said
Title: Finished Redemption
Meter: 2 of 8, and 1 of 6 and dotts.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1790
Topic: Finished Redemption
Source: The Coll.
Tune Information
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