95. His Precious Love

1 God’s precious love is deep and wide;
For all who plunge beneath its tide,
It is an ocean broad and deep,
For those who weep, for those who weep.
There’s consolation in his grace,
If we but see his smiling face;
There’s rest serene as heav’n above,
Within his love, within his love.

2 Amid life’s storms, when billows roll
To overwhelm the troubled soul,
When all around seems voice of cheer,
So lone and drear, so lone and drear.
He loves us still when clouds are dark,
As on bright days when sings the lark:
Take hope, for soon shall pass your way
A brighter day, a brighter day.

3 When comes the cruel monster, Death,
Into your home with icy breath—
Leaves but heart-breaking footprints there
Where all was fair, where all was fair;
All is not lost—God’s love remains,
A soothing balm for all our pains;
He sends this comfort from above,
His precious love, his precious love.

Text Information
First Line: God's precious love is deep and wide
Title: His Precious Love
Author: Z. M. R.
Publication Date: 1918
Topic: Comfort; God: His Love
Tune Information
Name: [God's precious love is deep and wide]
Composer: Zella M. Robinson
Harmonizer: A. L. B.


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