145. Lord of my life whose tender care

1 Lord of my life whose tender care
Hath led me on till now,
Here lowly, at the hour of prayer,
Before Thy throne I bow;
I bless Thy gracious hand, and pray
Forgiveness for another day.

2 Oh, may I daily, hourly strive
In heavenly grace to grow;
To Thee and to Thy glory live,
Dead to all else below;
Tread in the path my Saviour trod,
Though thorny, yet the path of God.

3 With prayer, my humble praise I bring,
For mercies day by day:
Lord, teach my heart, Thy love to sing,
Lord, teach me how to pray.
All that I am and have, to Thee
I offer through eternity.


Text Information
First Line: Lord of my life whose tender care
Meter: 8s. 6s. 8s.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1883
Topic: Prayer
Tune Information
Meter: 8s. 6s. 8s.
Key: D Major

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