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Text: | The mighty God |
Author: | W. W. |
1 The mighty God,
th Eternal hath thus spoke,
And all the world
he will call and provoke;
E'en from the east,
and so forth to the west,
Out of Sion,
which place he liketh best,
God will appear,
in beauty most excellent,
Our God will come
before that long time be spent:
2 Devouring fire
shall go before his face,
A great tempest
shall round about him trace.
Then shall he call
the earth and heavens bright,
To judge his folk
with equity and right;
Saying, Go to,
and now my saints assemble;
My pact they keep,
their gifts do not dissemble.
3 The heav'ns they shall
declare his righteousness
For God is judge
of all things more and less.
Hear, my people,
for I will now reveal;
List, Israel,
I'll from thee naught conceal,
Thy God, thy Lord
and I, and will not blame thee
For not giving
all sorts of off'rings to me:
4 I have no need
to take of thee at all
Goats of thy fold
or calves out of thy stall:
For all the beasts
are mine within the woods,
On thousand hills
cattle are mine own goods;
I know for mine
all birds that are on mountains,
All beasts mine are
which haunt the fields and fountains.
5 Were I hungry
I would not thee it tell;
For all is mine
that in the world doth dwell.
Eat I the flesh
of great bulls or bullocks?
Or drink the blood
of goats or of the flocks?
Offer to God
praise and hearty thanksgiving,
And pay thy vows
unto God ever-living.
6 Call upon me
when troubled thou shalt be;
Then will I help
and thou shalt honour me.
To the wicked
thus saith th' eternal God,
Why dost thou preach
my words and laws abroad,
Seeing thou hast
them with thy mouth abus'd,
And hat'st to be
by discipline reduc'd?
7 My words, I say,
thou dost reject and hate:
If that thou seest
a thief, as with thy mate,
Thou run'st with him,
and so your prey seek out;
And art all one
with the adult'rous rout.
Thou giv'st thyself
to back-bite and to slander,
And how thy tongue
deceiveth, is a wonder.
8 Thou sitt'st musing
thy brother how to blame,
And how to put
thy mother's son to shame.
These things thou didst,
and while I held my tongue,
Thou didst me judge,
because I stayed so long,
Like to thyself;
yet tho' I kept long silence,
Once shalt thou feel
of thy wrongs just recompense.
9 Consider this,
ye that forget the Lord,
And fear not, when
he threateneth with his word,
Lest without help
I spoil you as a prey:
But he that thanks
offers, praiseth alway,
Saith the Lord God,
and he that walketh this trace,
I will him teach
God's saving health to embrace.
Text Information | |
First Line: | The mighty God |
Author: | W. W. |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1790 |
Scripture: |