African Methodist Episcopal hymn and tune book: adapted to the doctrine and usages of the church.

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
355Gently Lord, o gently lead usZIONPage Scan
355aTo Father, Son, and Holy GhostGANGESPage Scan
356Full of trembling expectationRIPLEYPage Scan
356bHoly Ghost! dispel our sadnessRIPLEYPage Scan
357Take the name of Jesus with youPRECIOUS NAMEPage Scan
358Father, behold with gracious eyesFARNHAMPage Scan
359Lord, I believe a rest remainsFARNHAMPage Scan
360My God, my Portion, and my LoveMORROWPage Scan
360aMy God, my Portion, and my LoveDEEMSPage Scan
361Lord, how secure and blest are theyROLLANDPage Scan
362God of my life, to thee I callROLLANDPage Scan
363Lord, when thou didst ascend on highROLLANDPage Scan
364Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer!SWEET HOUR OF PRAYERPage Scan
365Jesus, thou Joy of loving hearts!CREATIONPage Scan
366O God, thou art my God aloneCREATIONPage Scan
367My Lord, how full of sweet contentCREATIONPage Scan
368Gracious Redeemer, shakeSHIRLANDPage Scan
369Equip me for the warSHIRLANDPage Scan
370My soul. be on thy guardSHIRLANDPage Scan
371Make haste, O man, to liveSHIRLANDPage Scan
372Prayer is appointed to conveyHURSLEYPage Scan
373Awake, my soul, and with the sunHURSLEYPage Scan
374My God, accept my early vowsHARMONY GROVEPage Scan
375How do thy mercies close me round!HARMONY GROVEPage Scan
376Teach me the measure of my daysMAITLANDPage Scan
377O God, our help in ages pastMAITLANDPage Scan
378Once more, my soul, the rising dayMAITLANDPage Scan
379Awake, my soul, to meet the dayMAITLANDPage Scan
380Giver and guardian of my sleepHATTIEPage Scan
381Lord, in the morning thou shalt hearHATTIEPage Scan
381bEnthroned on high, almighty LordHATTIEPage Scan
382Now the shades of night are goneWILMOTPage Scan
383Omnipresent God! whose aidWILMOTPage Scan
384Light of life, seraphic fireWILMOTPage Scan
385Come, let us anew our journey pursueLUCASPage Scan
386The Lord of earth and skyHARWICHPage Scan
387Always with us, always with usRIPLEYPage Scan
388God of almighty loveFERGUSONPage Scan
389Thou seest my feeblenessFERGUSONPage Scan
389bThe people of the LordFERGUSONPage Scan
390To God your every wantLUTHERPage Scan
391O thou that wouldst not haveLUTHERPage Scan
391bThe harvest dawn is nearLUTHERPage Scan
392We lift our hearts to theeSCHUMANNPage Scan
393Jesus! and shall it ever beDUANE STREETPage Scan
394Thus far the Lord hath led me onALBERTPage Scan
395Eternal Source of every joyALBERTPage Scan
395bMy spirit sinks within me, Lord!ALBERTPage Scan
396Great God, we sing that mighty handBECKERPage Scan
397What various hind'rances we meetBECKERPage Scan
397bMy God! permit me not to beBECKERPage Scan
398Our heavenly Father, hearSILVER STREETPage Scan
399The day is past and goneSILVER STREETPage Scan
399bJesus demands this heart of mineBLAKEPage Scan
400Serene I laid me downSCHUMANNPage Scan
401Commit thou all thy griefsSCHUMANNPage Scan
402Lord, thou wilt hear me when I prayAVONPage Scan
403All praise to him who dwells in blissAVONPage Scan
404I love to steal awhile awayAVONPage Scan
405Dread Sovereign, let my ev'ning songAVONPage Scan
406Great God, indulge my humble claimWARDPage Scan
406bSoon may the last glad song ariseBLAKEPage Scan
407Author of faith, we seek thy faceMENDONPage Scan
408Now to the Lord, who makes us knowMENDONPage Scan
409From every stormy wind that blowsMENDONPage Scan
410Blest be the dear uniting loveCOVENTRYPage Scan
411Thy presence, Lord, the place shall fillCOVENTRYPage Scan
412Lord, teach thy servants how to prayCOVENTRYPage Scan
413Sing to the great Jehovah's praise!MEARPage Scan
414With songs and honors sounding loudMEARPage Scan
415And now, my soul, another yearMEARPage Scan
416Awake, ye saints, and raise your eyesANTIOCHPage Scan
417On thee, each morning, O my GodANTIOCHPage Scan
417bHigh on a throne of light, O LordANTIOCHPage Scan
418And will the great, eternal GodPARK STREETPage Scan
419Where shall I go to seek and findPARK STREETPage Scan
419aDismiss us with thy blessing, LordPARK STREETPage Scan
420Behold thy temple, God of graceHAMBURGPage Scan
421Here, in thy name, eternal GodHAMBURGPage Scan
421bGreat God, and wilt thou condescendHAMBURGPage Scan
422God of thunder and the lightningCLAUDEPage Scan
422bIn this world of sin and sorrowCLAUDEPage Scan
422cTake my soul! thy full salvationCLAUDEPage Scan
423God of thine Israel trueLISCHERPage Scan
424Great King of glory, comeLISCHERPage Scan
425Lord of hosts, to thee we raiseELTHAMPage Scan
426When on Sinai's top I seeELTHAMPage Scan
426bAnd can my heart aspire so highDOWNSPage Scan
427Arise, O King of grace, ariseDOWNSPage Scan
428Will God in every deed descendDOWNSPage Scan
429To thee this temple we devoteDOWNSPage Scan
430Father of life, descend!CAMPBELLPage Scan
431Great is the Lord our GodCAMPBELLPage Scan
432From Greenland's icy mountainsMISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
432bHail to the Lord's AnointedMISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
433See how great a flame aspiresHENDONPage Scan
434Hark! the song of JubileeHENDONPage Scan
435Hasten, Lord, the glorious timeFULTONPage Scan
436Over the ocean wave, far, far awayOCEAN WAVEPage Scan
437Hark! the voice of Jesus cryingKENLEYPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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