The American Sunday-School Hymn-Book

Publisher: American Sunday-School Union, Philadelphia, 1860
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
401And Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto mePage Scan
402I will lift up mine eyes unto the hillsPage Scan
403Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy ladenPage Scan
404From the recesses of a lowly spiritPage Scan
405Long ago the Lord of gloryPage Scan
406The Temperance Band is comingPage Scan
407In the ways of true temperance see children delightingPage Scan
408Gushing so bright in the morning lightPage Scan
409With banner and with badge we comePage Scan
410I'm a young abstainerPage Scan
411Our youthful hearts with temperance burnPage Scan
412Some love to drink from the foamy brinkPage Scan
413Sparkling and bright in its liquid lightPage Scan
414What makes the poor man poorer still?Page Scan
415It comes, the joyful dayPage Scan
416Slave of the cup, beware!Page Scan
417Softly the drunkard's wife breatheth her prayerPage Scan
418O come, come away, from all that can enslave youPage Scan
419Touch not the cup: it is death to thy soulPage Scan
420The drink that's in the drunkard's bowlPage Scan
421Children all, both great and smallPage Scan
422The murderous cup no more I'll takePage Scan
423Go, go, thou that enslavest mePage Scan
424Friends of freedom! swell the songPage Scan
425Let the still air rejoicePage Scan
426Teacher divine, we bow the kneePage Scan
427Indulgent God of love and powerPage Scan
428The mercy of Jesus has brought us once morePage Scan
429At thy footstool, humbly bendingPage Scan
430How serious is the chargePage Scan
431Save all my children, Lord!Page Scan
432Grace shall our souls inspirePage Scan
433Christ was teaching all the dayPage Scan
434Sow in the morn thy seedPage Scan
435Toil on, teachers! toil on boldly!Page Scan
436Where two or three, with sweet accordPage Scan
437Come, Christian brethren, ere we partPage Scan
438Come, children ere we partPage Scan
439Heavenly Father, grant thy blessingPage Scan
440Dear Father, e're we partPage Scan
441Now is past the time of teachingPage Scan
442A song, a song of gladness!Page Scan
443Praise we Him by whose kind favourPage Scan
444On what has now been sownPage Scan
445Once more, before we partPage Scan
446Dear partner of our hopes and fearsPage Scan
447Lord, dismiss us with thy blessingPage Scan
448Dismiss us with thy blessing, LordPage Scan
449For a season call'd to partPage Scan
450From all that dwell below the skiesPage Scan
451Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!Page Scan
452To God the Father, God the SonPage Scan
453To Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
454Ye angels round the thronePage Scan
455May the grace of Christ our SaviourPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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