The Baptist Hymnal. Shaped notes ed.

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d501Savior, visit Thy [our] plantation, grant us Lord, a gracious rain
d502Savior, when in dust to Thee, low we bow
d503Savior, who died for me, I give myself to Thee
d504See, gracious God [Lord], before thy throne
d505See Isr'l's gentle Shepherd stand [stands]
d506Servant of God, well done, rest
d507Shall we gather at [by] the river, Where bright angel feet have trod
d508Show pity Lord, O Lord, forgive
d509Simply trusting every day
d510Since all the changing [coming] [downward] varying [various] scenes of time
d511Sing, my soul, his wondrous love
d512Sinner, rouse thee from thy sleep
d513Sinner [sinners] turn, why will ye [you] die
d514Sinner [sinners], will you [ye] scorn [slight] the message
d515Sinner, what hast thou [has earth] to show
d516Sister, thou wast [wert] mild and lovely
d517Sit down beneath his [the] shadow
d518Sleep thy last sleep
d519So let our lips and lives express
d520Softly fades the twilight ray
d521Softly now the light of day
d522Soldiers of Christ, arise, and put [gird] your armor
d523Sometimes a light surprises
d524Songs of praise the angels sang
d525Soon may [shall] the last glad song arise
d526Sow in the morn thy [the] seed, At eve
d527Spirit divine, attend our prayer [prayers]
d528Spirit of holiness, descend
d529Stand up, my soul [our souls], shake off thy [your] fears
d530Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross
d531Stay, thou insulted [long suffering] Spirit
d532Sun of my soul [our souls], thou [my] [O] Savior [Father] dear
d533Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer
d534Sweet is the memory of thy grace
d535Sweet is the work, my [O] [our] God, [and] [my] [our] King
d536Sweet is the work, O Lord, Thy glorious name to sing
d537Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
d538Swell the anthem, raise the song
d539Take the name of Jesus with you, child of sorrow
d540Take up thy cross, the Savior said, If thou wouldst my disciple be
d541Tell me the old, old story of unseen things above
d542Ten thousand times ten thousand, in sparkling raiment
d543Tender Shepherd, thou hast stilled
d544That awful day will surely come
d545The church has waited long
d546The Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord
d547The day is gently sinking to a close
d548The day is past and gone, the evening shades appear
d549The Day of Resurection
d550The God of harvest praise
d551The head that once was crowned with thorns
d552The heavens declare thy glory, Lord, in every star
d553The King of love my shepherd is
d554The Lord into his garden comes
d555The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know
d556The Lord my pasture shall prepare, and feed me with a shepherd's care
d557The love of God provides
d558The morning light is breaking; the darkness disappears
d559The pity of the Lord
d560The race that long in darkness pined
d561The rosy morn has robed the sky
d562The Savior bids us watch and pray
d563The Savior calls, let every ear attend
d564The Savior kindly calls Our children
d565The Savior, O what endless [boundless] charms
d566The Son of God goes forth to war
d567The Spirit in our hearts is whispering sinner come
d568The strife is o'er the battle done
d569The [That] day of wrath, that dreadful day, When heaven
d570Thee we adore, eternal name, And humbly
d571Thee will I love, my Strength [Lord] [Shield], [my] [and] Tower
d572There is a fold whence none can stray
d573There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d574There is a land mine [my] eye [eyes] hath seen
d575There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign
d576There is a line, by us unseen
d577There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing [speak] its worth
d578There is an hour of peaceful rest
d579There is no name so sweet on earth, No name so sweet in heaven
d580There is no sorrow, Lord, too light [slight]
d581Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old
d582Thine earthly Sabbath [Sabbaths], Lord we love
d583Thine forever, God of love
d584This is not my [a] place of resting
d585This is the day of light
d586Thou art gone to the grave but we will not deplore thee
d587Thou art my portion, O my God
d588Thou art the Way, to thee alone
d589Thou hast said, exalted Jesus [Savior]
d590Thou, Lord, art gone on high
d591Thou lovely Source of true delight
d592Thou only Sovereign of my heart
d593Thou whose almighty word Chaos and darkness heard
d594Through all the changing scenes of life, In trouble
d595Through sorrow's night and danger's path [way] [road]
d596Thus far the Lord hath [has] led me on
d597Thy way, not mine, O Lord
d598Thy works, not mine [ours], O Christ
d599Till he come, O let the words
d600Time is winging us away

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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