Beginners Sing

Editor: B. T. Cory
Publisher: Scripture Press, Chicago , 1950
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d1All the children need the Savior
d2All the little children praise him
d3Children of the heavenly king as we journey
d4Come and see the works of God
d5Far off 'cross the ocean
d6Father, we thank thee [you] for the night
d7Flowers for Jesus we can
d8For what shall I thank you
d9God cares for me, God
d10God is listening, God is listening
d11God is with me always
d12God made the world, the moon and the sun
d13God sees the little sparrow fall
d14God sends us his love
d15God tells me what to do
d16Help me, dear Jesus
d17I like to come to God's house
d18I open my Bible book and read
d19I want my home to always
d20I will sing like David
d21I would be Jesus' helper
d22I'll be kind at home to all
d23In the morning, when I rise
d24Jesus came, Jesus came, Jesus came from heaven
d25Jesus is my Helper, Every day
d26Jesus loves the little children, All the children
d27Jesus loves the little children, The whole wide world around
d28Jesus needs a helper at my house
d29Jesus, our Savior, was once
d30Little baby Moses in your basket bed
d31O listen to the Savior
d32O little children, do you know
d33O who can make a flower
d34Paul was on the stormy sea
d35Praise him, praise him, Jesus, our blessed Redeemer
d36Ring, Christmas bells, ring
d37The Lord looketh on the heart
d38There are children in all countries
d39This is God's word
d40Up on high, in the sky
d41We'll obey
d42We're glad today
d43Whatever mother says
d44When God wished to show
d45When in the morning I waken
d46When no one else could make
d47Who is taking care of you
d48Whose house is this, our church
[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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