The Baptist Sabbath School Hymn Book

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d201Jesus, that [the] [thou] condescending king
d202Jesus, to many or to few
d203Jesus was once despised and low
d204Joy to the world, the Lord is [has] come
d205Kindest Savior, we adore thee
d206King Solomon of old A happy choice had made
d207Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us, o'er
d208Let avarice from door to door
d209Let children bless the Savior's name
d210Let children that would fear the Lord
d211Let children who are taught thy word
d212Let little children come to me
d213Let there be light, Jehovah said
d214Lo at noon 'tis sudden night
d215Lo the bright the rosy morning
d216Lord, assist us by thy grace
d217Lord, before Thy throne we stand
d218Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Smile upon us from above
d219Lord, fix our [my] wandering thoughts
d220Lord, give us grace to put away
d221Lord, hear a sinful child complain
d222Lord, how delightful 'tis to see A whole assembly worship thee
d223Lord, I ascribe it to thy grace, And not to chance, as others do
d224Lord, I confess before thy face
d225Lord, I confess thy sentence just
d226Lord, I have dared to disobey
d227Lord, I have passed another day
d228Lord, I would come to thee
d229Lord, I would own thy tender [every] care
d230Lord! if e'er I dare to speak
d231Lord, in humble, sweet submission, Here we meet to follow thee
d232Lord, in the days of youth
d233Lord, lead my heart to learn
d234Lord, make me early learn
d235Lord, make me understand thy law
d236Lord, may a few poor children raise
d237Lord, now the day is gone
d238Lord of every bright perfection
d239Lord of my life, O may thy praise
d240Lord, teach a little child to pray
d241Lord, teach a sinful child to pray
d242Lord, teach us [me] how to pray aright
d243Lord, thou hast fixed our place of birth
d244Lord, thou hast heard my humble voice
d245Lord, we are sinners in thy sight
d246Lord, when my wretched soul surveys
d247Lord, when we bend before thy [the] throne
d248Lord, while the little heathen bend
d249Love and kindness we may measure
d250Maker of the Sabbath day
d251Many voices seem to say
d252May I resolve with all my heart
d253May the grace of Christ [God] our [the] Savior
d254May we who teach the rising race
d255Mourn not ye [ye not], whose child hath found Purer skies
d256Must all the charms [thoughts] of nature then
d257My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
d258My days on earth, how swift they run
d259My Father, I thank thee for sleep
d260My Father, when I come to thee
d261My God, all nature owns thy sway
d262My God, how endless [lasting] is thy love
d263My God, who makes [makest] the sun to know
d264My heart has been too long ensnared
d265My heavenly Father, all I see around me and above
d266My heavenly Father, I confess
d267My life's a narrow span
d268Not with a pained reluctant heart
d269Now behold, the midday sun
d270Now, children, to God's house repair
d271Now condescend, almighty king
d272Now from the altar of my heart [our hearts]
d273Now I awake to praise my Lord
d274Now let a true [pure] ambition rise
d275Now let our hearts conspire to raise
d276Now the shades of night are gone
d277Now we've assembled here, to read, to learn
d278O deign, God of mercy, to smile on our youth
d279O for a heart to feel
d280O God, I thank thee that the night
d281O how fleeting how deceiving
d282O Jesus, delight of my soul My Savior, my Shepherd divine
d283O Lord, another day [week] has [is] flown
d284O Lord, forgive a sinful child
d285O Lord of hosts, thou King of kings
d286O Lord our God, thy light and truth
d287O Lord, our Lord, how wondrous great Is thine exalted name
d288O Lord our Shepherd, deign to keep
d289O that the Lord would guide my [our] ways
d290O that the Lord would teach my tongue
d291O thou the guard of infant days
d292O thou to whom the grateful song
d293O thou who dwellest in the heavens high
d294O thou who hearest when sinners cry
d295O thou whom holy angels praise
d296O thou whose mercy guides my way
d297O Thou, whose tender mercy hears
d298O 'tis a folly and a crime
d299O 'tis a lovely thing for youth
d300O what amazing words of grace Are in the gospel found

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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