The Christian Psalmist: being a collection of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs compiled from the most approved authors, and designed as a standard hymn book for public and social worship

Publisher: James Kay, Jun. & Brothers, Philadelphia, 1840
Denomination: Christian Connection
Language: English
Notes: Psalms (P), Hymns, and Spiritual Songs (S) are numbered separately.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
P1aHow blest is he who ne'er consentsPage Scan
P1bBlest is the man who [that] shuns the placePage Scan
P1cThe man is ever blest [blessed] who shuns the sinner's waysPage Scan
P2Attend, O earth, when God declaresPage Scan
P3Thou, gracious Lord, art my defencePage Scan
P4aAmidst unsatisfied desiresPage Scan
P4bLord, thou wilt hear us when we prayPage Scan
P5aLord, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending highPage Scan
P5bLord, hear us when without disguisePage Scan
P6aLord, we can suffer thy rebukesPage Scan
P6bIn mercy, not in wrath rebukePage Scan
P7The Lord is judge, before His thronePage Scan
P8aO thou to whom all creatures bowPage Scan
P8bThy wisdom, power and goodness, LordPage Scan
P9aTo celebrate thy praise, O Lord, I will my heart prepare Page Scan
P9bTo God, who dwells on Zion's mountPage Scan
P9cWith our whole hearts we'll raise our songPage Scan
P10Jehovah reigns, your tribute bringPage Scan
P11aWhen all bespeak [bespeaks] a Father's lovePage Scan
P11bThe Lord is in his holy placePage Scan
P12Help, Lord, for men of virtue failPage Scan
P13aHow long, O Lord, shall I [we] complainPage Scan
P13bHow long wilt thou conceal thy face, My GodPage Scan
P13cLord of mercy, just and kindPage Scan
P14Are sinners now so hardened grownPage Scan
P15aWho shall ascend thy heavenly [holy] placePage Scan
P15bWho shall inhabit in [on] thy hillPage Scan
P16aPreserve us Lord in time of needPage Scan
P16bLet heathens to their idols hastePage Scan
P17Arise, our gracious GodPage Scan
P18aLord, thou hast seen my [our] soul [souls] sincerePage Scan
P18bJust are thy ways, and true thy wordPage Scan
P18cNo change of times shall ever shock my trust, O Lord, in theePage Scan
P18dThe Lord descended from abovePage Scan
P19aWe love the volumes of thy WordPage Scan
P19bThe spacious firmament on highPage Scan
P19cThe heavens declare thy glory, Lord, in every starPage Scan
P19dThy law is perfect, Lord of lightPage Scan
P19eBehold the lofty skyPage Scan
P19fBehold the morning sunPage Scan
P20Now may the God of [grace and power] power and gracePage Scan
P21In thee, great God, with songs of praisePage Scan
P22aNow let our mourning [drooping] hearts revivePage Scan
P22bNow, in the hour of deep distressPage Scan
P22cWhen trouble [troubles] fill [fills] my soul with griefPage Scan
P22dAll ye who serve the Lord with fearPage Scan
P23aThe Lord our pasture shall preparePage Scan
P23bOur Shepherd will supply our needPage Scan
P23cThe Lord our Shepherd is, We shall be wellPage Scan
P23dWhile our Redeemer's nearPage Scan
P24aWho shall ascend the [thy] holy [heavenly] hillPage Scan
P24bLift up your heads, eternal gatesPage Scan
P25aWe lift our souls to GodPage Scan
P25bThy mercies and thy lovePage Scan
P25cWhere shall the man be foundPage Scan
P26aWe love thy holy temple, LordPage Scan
P26bSearch our hearts,- our actions provePage Scan
P27aGod is our Savior and defensePage Scan
P27bThe Lord of glory is our LightPage Scan
P28Blest be the Lord, who heard my [our] prayerPage Scan
P29aGive to the Lord, ye sons of famePage Scan
P29bYe mighty rulers of the landPage Scan
P30We will extol thee, Lord, on highPage Scan
P31aLord, in thy great, thy glorious namePage Scan
P31bO come, ye saints, your voices raisePage Scan
P31cIn thee, O Lord, we place our trustPage Scan
P31dThy goodness, Lord, how greatPage Scan
P32aHe's blest who has thy pardon gainedPage Scan
P32bO blessed souls are theyPage Scan
P33a'Tis God, who those that trust in him, beholdsPage Scan
P33bLet all the just to God with joyPage Scan
P34aTriumphant Lord, thy goodness reignsPage Scan
P34bWe'll bless the Lord from day to dayPage Scan
P34dThee will we bless, O Lord, our GodPage Scan
P35High in the heavens, eternal GodPage Scan
P36Above these heavens' created roundsPage Scan
P37aNow let us make the Lord our trustPage Scan
P37bTo thee, our God, our days are knownPage Scan
P38Amid thy wrath, remember lovePage Scan
P39aO let me [us] gracious [heavenly] Lord, extendPage Scan
P39bThe term of life assigned to manPage Scan
P40We waited meekly for the LordPage Scan
P41aHow blest are they who daily provePage Scan
P41bBlest is the man, whose tender carePage Scan
P42aOur spirits sink within us, LordPage Scan
P42bAs the chased hart, midst sultry beamsPage Scan
P43aGreat God, our Strength, to thee we cryPage Scan
P43bGod of my strength, in thee alonePage Scan
P43cJudge us, O God, and plead our causePage Scan
P43dJudge us, Lord, in righteousnessPage Scan
P44aWhy should thy face, where mercies dwellPage Scan
P44bOft have our ears, great God, been taughtPage Scan
P44cO Lord, our fathers oft have told, In our attentive earsPage Scan
P45aNow be my heart [our hearts] inspired to singPage Scan
P45bGird on thy sword, victorious PrincePage Scan
P46aGod is the refuge of his saintsPage Scan
P46bThe Lord in Zion ever reignsPage Scan
P48aWith stately [steady] towers and bulwarks strongPage Scan
P48bGreat is the Lord our GodPage Scan
P48cFar as thy name is knownPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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