A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, for Social and Private Worship (Rev. ed. with supplement)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
301Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands!Page Scan
302Sing, ye redeemed of the Lord!Page Scan
303Songs of immortal praise belongPage Scan
304'Stand still, refulgent orb of day!'Page Scan
305Stand up, my soul! shake off thy fearsPage Scan
306Supreme and universal Light!Page Scan
307Supreme in wisdom as in powerPage Scan
308Sweet is the friendly voice Page Scan
309Sweet is the love that mutal glowsPage Scan
310Teach me, O teach me, Lord! thy willPage Scan
311Thanks be to God the LordPage Scan
312Teach me the measure of my daysPage Scan
313Teach me, my God, to do thy willPage Scan
314That man is blessed, who stands in awePage Scan
315That man, in life wherever placedPage Scan
316The common Parent, Lord of allPage Scan
317The darkened sky--how thick it lowers!Page Scan
318The earth, and all the heavenly framePage Scan
319The day approaches, O my soul!Page Scan
320The evils that beset our pathPage Scan
321The gifts indulgent heaven bestowsPage Scan
322The God who reigns alonePage Scan
323The Lord will come, and not be slowPage Scan
324The Lord--how tender is his love!Page Scan
325The Lord himself, the mighty LordPage Scan
326The Lord my pasture shall preparePage Scan
327The Lord our God is full of mightPage Scan
328The morning flowers display their sweetsPage Scan
329There is a book, who runs may readPage Scan
330"Tis finished!" so the Saviour criedPage Scan
331The short-lived day declines in hastePage Scan
332The swift-declining dayPage Scan
333The time draws near, when thou, my soul!Page Scan
334The Saviour comes! no outward pompPage Scan
335There is a glorious world on highPage Scan
336There is a land of pure delightPage Scan
337There is forgiveness, Lord! with theePage Scan
338These mortal joys--how soon they fade!Page Scan
339Through thee, O Lord, we ownPage Scan
340Though every grace my speech adornedPage Scan
341Though others, confident and vainPage Scan
342Thou, Lord! by mortal eyes unseenPage Scan
343Thou, Lord! through every changing scenePage Scan
344Thou Lord! by strictest search, hast knownPage Scan
345Thou, Lord! in mercy wilt regardPage Scan
346Thrice happy men, who, born from heavenPage Scan
347Through all the changing scenes of lifePage Scan
348Through endless years thou art the samePage Scan
349Through all the various shifting scenePage Scan
350Through sorrow's night, and danger's pathPage Scan
351To keep the lamp alivePage Scan
352Thy wisdom, power, and goodness, Lord!Page Scan
353Time--what an empty vapour 'tis!Page Scan
354To calm the sorrows of the mindPage Scan
355To God let fervent prayers arisePage Scan
356To-morrow, Lord! is thinePage Scan
357To thee, my heart, Eternal King!Page Scan
358To thee, O God! my days are knownPage Scan
359To thee, O God! we homage payPage Scan
360To those bright realms I lift mine eyesPage Scan
361'Twas God who formed the rolling spheresPage Scan
362Vast are thy works, almighty Lord!Page Scan
363Wait on the Lord, ye heirs of hope!Page Scan
364Weak and irresolute is manPage Scan
365We would not seek, with God our friendPage Scan
366What power shall be the sinner's stayPage Scan
367What though no flowers the fig-tree clothePage Scan
368What works of wisdom, power, and lovePage Scan
369When darkness long has veiled my mindPage Scan
370When life's tempestuous storms are o'erPage Scan
371When Israel, of the Lord belovedPage Scan
372When power divine in mortal formPage Scan
373When he, who, from the scourge of wrongPage Scan
374When I survey life's varied scenePage Scan
375When I review the devious waysPage Scan
376When Jesus, our great Master, camePage Scan
377When reft of all, and hopeless carePage Scan
378When rising from the bed of deathPage Scan
379When the last trumpet's awful voicePage Scan
380When sickness shakes the languid framePage Scan
381Wherefore should man, frail child of clayPage Scan
382Where love with other graces reignPage Scan
383While some in folly's pleasures rollPage Scan
384While thee I seek, protecting Power!Page Scan
385Who can by searching find out God?Page Scan
386Who, gracious Father! can complainPage Scan
387Why should we waste, in trifling caresPage Scan
388Who shall behold the King of kingsPage Scan
389With eye impartial, heaven's high KingPage Scan
390With God my friend, the radiant sunPage Scan
391With pleading wonder, Lord! we viewPage Scan
392With pure delight the bosom glowsPage Scan
393With songs and honours sounding loudPage Scan
394With warm delight and grateful joyPage Scan
395Ye golden lamps of heaven! farewellPage Scan
396Ye humble souls! who seek the LordPage Scan
397Ye servants of the Lord!Page Scan
398Ye weak inhabitants of clay!Page Scan
399Yon glorious orbs that gild the skyPage Scan
400Yet a few years, or days, perhapsPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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