Cheerful Songs No. 1

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d1Ah Lord how hard to think it true
d2All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall
d3As evening shades gather
d4As we meet in the house of the Lord to pray
d5Blessed, blessed are the men who fear him
d6Brother, watch the beacon light
d7Come, thou almighty King, Help us thy name to sing
d8Father in heaven, hear
d9Go work in my vineyard, to work
d10Have you heard the blessed Savior
d11Hear ye the voice of the Father
d12How far is it, father, to those portals of bliss
d13I heard the voice of Jesus say, come unto me and rest
d14I love the Savior more and more
d15I shall be satisfied, satisfied
d16I think of that beautiful home over there
d17I want to be a worker for the Lord
d18In sweet communion with his God
d19Jesus, my Lord, to thee I cry
d20Jesus wept, O wondrous story
d21Jordan's stream is dark and deep
d22Joyfully, joyfully onward we move
d23Music on the hilltop
d24O come every one that thirsteth
d25O where are the dear ones we loved fondly here
d26Onward like a mighty river
d27Shall I meet you
d28Sometime 'twill be over
d29The night has come, and ere I sleep
d30There are beautiful robes in that land beyond
d31There are lonely hearts to cherish
d32There is a land, a sunny land
d33There's a beautiful country so fair
d34To the work, to the work
d35Under the flowers in the silent tomb
d36We have come here together
d37We shall reach the other shore
d38We thank thee today
d39We think as we journey on life's rugged road
d40Well I know there's a city
d41What a friend is Christ, the Savior
d42What a meeting
d43When the dark shadows gather on life's rugged way
d44Whosoever believeth
[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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