The Churchman's Treasury of Song

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101God doth not leave His ownPage Scan
102aFather of nations! what high thoughts enduedPage Scan
102bStill young and fine! but what is still in viewPage Scan
103Good and great God! Can I not think of TheePage Scan
104Welcome, dear feast of Lent: who loves not theePage Scan
106O Worshipper, who at the break of mornPage Scan
107Man is a busy thing, and hePage Scan
108Now are the days of humblest prayerPage Scan
109It is not heavy, agonizing woePage Scan
110How long and deep the shadows of our LentPage Scan
111"Get thee hence, Satan!" at His withering lookPage Scan
112When first thine eyes unveil, give thy soul leavePage Scan
113aBoast of thine honours, wealth, and powerPage Scan
113bNot ashes on the headPage Scan
115My God, to keep my heartPage Scan
116There is a time to fastPage Scan
117Have mercy on me, Lord!Page Scan
118aThe pilot's skill how can we knowPage Scan
118bHow long, great God, how long must IPage Scan
119What though we bear a heavy loadPage Scan
120The sunset falls on Isaac's tentPage Scan
121Heare me, O God!Page Scan
122Mercy, my Judge, mercy, I cryPage Scan
123How shall I follow Him I serve?Page Scan
125Into some wave, which heedless night-winds rockPage Scan
126Though clouds be dark and tempests brood aroundPage Scan
127As travellers, when the twilight's comePage Scan
128Fear not, for He hath swornPage Scan
129Is this a fast, to keepPage Scan
130There is a River, deep and broadPage Scan
131aAs one who, toiling up some lofty peakPage Scan
131bMy soul once had its plenteous yearsPage Scan
132If hasty hand or bitter tonguePage Scan
133Here must the Christian onward pressPage Scan
134Up to the hills I lift mine eyesPage Scan
135Fling out the banner! let it floatPage Scan
136Jesus, still lead onPage Scan
137I bore with thee long weary days and nightsPage Scan
138Thou, Lord of all, on earth hast dweltPage Scan
139Jesus, these eyes have never seenPage Scan
140Jesus! my loving Lord, I knowPage Scan
141"Holy of Holies," awful namePage Scan
142Christ, Who our weak flesh didst earPage Scan
143Sorrow weeps!Page Scan
144See what unbounded zeal and lovePage Scan
145Who is this, with garments goryPage Scan
146In the wound of Thy Right HandPage Scan
147Jesus, we rest in TheePage Scan
148O blessed Jesus! when I see Thee bendingPage Scan
149When scorn, and hate, and bitter envious pridePage Scan
150Jesus! gentle Sufferer, sayPage Scan
151I saw two women weeping by the tombPage Scan
152Awake, glad soul! awake! awake!Page Scan
153He is risen, He is risenPage Scan
154Awake, thou wintry earthPage Scan
155Why for the Lord dost thou thus weep and mournPage Scan
156To Him, Who for our sins was slainPage Scan
157On the Cross we saw Him dyingPage Scan
158It happen'd on a solemn eventidePage Scan
159Now theirs was converse such as it behovesPage Scan
160When Royal Truth, released from mortal throesPage Scan
161Why art Thou not, O Saviour, herePage Scan
162Lord, with what courage and delightPage Scan
163Spring is but another birthPage Scan
164Light of the better morningPage Scan
165My God, I thank Thee, Who hast madePage Scan
166Not as a fallen stonePage Scan
167When Israel, of the Lord belovedPage Scan
169O Lord, our Lord, in all the earthPage Scan
170Know well, my soul, God's hand controlsPage Scan
171God might have made the earth bring forthPage Scan
172Source of my life! to Thee my grateful soulPage Scan
173O heaven! Sweet Heaven! the home of the blestPage Scan
174Nothing resting in its own completenessPage Scan
175Through many a far and foreign landPage Scan
176All flesh is grass, and all its glory fadesPage Scan
177Oh for the peace which floweth as a riverPage Scan
178Oh, weak are my best thoughts and poorPage Scan
179The more we live, more brief appearPage Scan
180Do not cheat thy Heart and tell herPage Scan
181Look up; the rainy heavens withdrawPage Scan
182He loved His own unto the endPage Scan
184The world's a floor, whose swelling heaps retainPage Scan
185Mercy and Truth my song would bePage Scan
186O hallowed memories of the pastPage Scan
187"Tired!"—Well, what of that?Page Scan
188All round the rolling world, both night and dayPage Scan
189When is Communion nearest?Page Scan
190When prayer delights thee least, then learn to sayPage Scan
191Mother! with us the Lord doth bidePage Scan
192Unanswered yet, the prayer your lips have pleadedPage Scan
193Breezes of spring, all earth to life awakingPage Scan
194O show me not my Saviour dyingPage Scan
195He is gone—we heard Him sayPage Scan
196King of kings, and wilt Thou deignPage Scan
197Look, Master! See yon chariot all on firePage Scan
199Thou bidd'st us visit in distressPage Scan
200The Lord is King! lift up thy voicePage Scan
201His eye toward the promised landPage Scan
202What a world with all its sorrows!Page Scan

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