Crown of Gold: for Sunday schools, gospel services, revival meetings, Christian Endeavor societies, Epworth Leagues, etc.

Editor: W. T. Giffe, Frank M. Davis
Publisher: The Home Music Co., Logansport, Ind., 1892
Language: English
Notes: This hymnal jumps from #175 to #179
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Revive thy work, O Lord[Revive thy work, O Lord]Page Scan
2The children for Jesus, their hearts for his throne[The children for Jesus, their hearts for his throne]Page Scan
3God's eye watches o'er me[God's eye watches o'er me]Page Scan
4Watchman on the walls of Zion[Watchman on the walls of Zion]Page Scan
5O hark! what sounds are floating[O hark! what sounds are floating]Page Scan
6Jesus will help you the vict'ry to win[Jesus will help you the vict'ry to win]Page Scan
7My sins are great and many[My sins are great and many]Page Scan
8We are singing songs for Jesus[We are singing songs for Jesus]Page Scan
9Darkness falls upon our pathway[Darkness falls upon our pathway]Page Scan
10Sweet the moments rich in blessing[Sweet the moments rich in blessing]Page Scan
11Up above the stars where the angels dwell[Up above the stars where the angels dwell]Page Scan
12He leads me on thro' deserts drear[He leads me on thro' deserts drear]Page Scan
13Oh, if for me the cup you fill[Oh, if for me the cup you fill]Page Scan
14Hail, happy day! all hail, the merry throng![Hail, happy day! all hail, the merry throng!]Page Scan
15My heart goes out to Galilee[My heart goes out to Galilee]Page Scan
16Bring them in and keep them from going astray again[Bring them in and keep them from going astray again]Page Scan
17Rock of Ages, cleft for me[Rock of Ages, cleft for me]Page Scan
18Speak low to me, my Savior dear[Speak low to me, my Savior dear]Page Scan
19Tho' my life-path oft is dreary[Tho' my life-path oft is dreary]Page Scan
20Thou shalt shine as the stars in the fadeless forever[Thou shalt shine as the stars in the fadeless forever]Page Scan
21Messiah is come to redeem us[Messiah is come to redeem us]Page Scan
22The sweetest hours this side of heav'n[The sweetest hours this side of heav'n]Page Scan
23Blessed Savior, lead us gently[Blessed Savior, lead us gently]Page Scan
24We've been redeemed, my brother[We've been redeemed, my brother]Page Scan
25Hold thou my hand, O Father[Hold thou my hand, O Father]Page Scan
26Father, I scarcely dare to pray[Father, I scarcely dare to pray]Page Scan
27Behold, I stand at the door and knock[Behold, I stand at the door and knock]Page Scan
28Do thy little, do it well[Do thy little, do it well]Page Scan
29Oh! the beautiful hills where the blest have trod[Oh! the beautiful hills where the blest have trod]Page Scan
30Take me by the hand, my Father[Take me by the hand, my Father]Page Scan
31Have you touch'd the garments of the holy one?[Have you touch'd the garments of the holy one?]Page Scan
32Thou art my shepherd[Thou art my shepherd]Page Scan
33Let your light shine, let your light shine[Let your light shine, let your light shine]Page Scan
34Some sweet day when life is o'er[Some sweet day when life is o'er]Page Scan
35O Christian, awake, 'tis the Master's command[O Christian, awake, 'tis the Master's command]Page Scan
36God holds the key of all unknown[God holds the key of all unknown]Page Scan
37"As thy days thy strength shall be"["As thy days thy strength shall be"]Page Scan
38He is waiting today, harden not your hearts[He is waiting today, harden not your hearts]Page Scan
39Oh, how sweetly sound the Sabbath school bells[Oh, how sweetly sound the Sabbath school bells]Page Scan
40By waters cool and sweet[By waters cool and sweet]Page Scan
41When we all get home[When we all get home]Page Scan
42Abide with me! fast falls the eventide[Abide with me! fast falls the eventide]Page Scan
43When I reach the golden shore beyond the sea[When I reach the golden shore beyond the sea]Page Scan
44Heav'n is gath'ring up our jewels[Heav'n is gath'ring up our jewels]Page Scan
45I know that my Redeemer lives[I know that my Redeemer lives]Page Scan
46When shining stars their vigils keep[When shining stars their vigils keep]Page Scan
47Anywhere the blessed Savior leads me[Anywhere the blessed Savior leads me]Page Scan
48There's a sweet, sweet song on the slumb'rous air[There's a sweet, sweet song on the slumb'rous air]Page Scan
49I have no friend like Jesus[I have no friend like Jesus]Page Scan
50I love to think of the children[I love to think of the children]Page Scan
51The great Physician on Jericho's road[The great Physician on Jericho's road]Page Scan
52Bring ye the beautiful lilies[Bring ye the beautiful lilies]Page Scan
53How sweet and soothing is the tho't[How sweet and soothing is the tho't]Page Scan
54Many are the homes that are dark tonight[Many are the homes that are dark tonight]Page Scan
55Come, little one, with your evening pray'r[Come, little one, with your evening pray'r]Page Scan
56Out of Christ, without a Savior[Out of Christ, without a Savior]Page Scan
57Ye tempted, troubled, sorely tried[Ye tempted, troubled, sorely tried]Page Scan
58God bless the little ones, tenderly bless[God bless the little ones, tenderly bless]Page Scan
59Beautiful home-land, home of the blest[Beautiful home-land, home of the blest]Page Scan
60I am on my pilgrim journey[I am on my pilgrim journey]Page Scan
61Gather the lost ones in[Gather the lost ones in]Page Scan
62Send a shout along the line[Send a shout along the line]Page Scan
63In the Lamb's book of life that is kept in heaven[In the Lamb's book of life that is kept in heaven]Page Scan
64We are sailing o'er an ocean[We are sailing o'er an ocean]Page Scan
65As doves to their windows we're coming to thee[As doves to their windows we're coming to thee]Page Scan
66Once was heard the song of children[Once was heard the song of children]Page Scan
67Ruined and wretched, I come unto thee[Ruined and wretched, I come unto thee]Page Scan
68Father, we welcome this glad Sabbath day[Father, we welcome this glad Sabbath day]Page Scan
69I am but a little child[I am but a little child]Page Scan
70Little children, can you tell[Little children, can you tell]Page Scan
71Go and labor in my vineyard[Go and labor in my vineyard]Page Scan
72Out from thy bountiful hand, O God[Out from thy bountiful hand, O God]Page Scan
73Mighty army of the young[Mighty army of the young]Page Scan
74My hands are thine[My hands are thine]Page Scan
75Onward march tow'rd the better land[Onward march tow'rd the better land]Page Scan
76Forward, the Master calls you[Forward, the Master calls you]Page Scan
77O little town of Bethlehem[O little town of Bethlehem]Page Scan
78If we only sought to brighten[If we only sought to brighten]Page Scan
79In the loving Shepherd's care[In the loving Shepherd's care]Page Scan
80I'm but a stranger here[I'm but a stranger here]Page Scan
81There's a beautiful country that lies far away[There's a beautiful country that lies far away]Page Scan
82We are soldiers for Jesus, we march to the fray[We are soldiers for Jesus, we march to the fray]Page Scan
83I rejoice now to know that my sins are forgiv'n[I rejoice now to know that my sins are forgiv'n]Page Scan
84The Lord of life and glory knocks[The Lord of life and glory knocks]Page Scan
85Tell me, pilgrim, faint and weary[Tell me, pilgrim, faint and weary]Page Scan
86Was there anything that Jesus[Was there anything that Jesus]Page Scan
87Speak loving words to waiting souls[Speak loving words to waiting souls]Page Scan
88When the world is busy round me and each wave of sorrow stirr'd[When the world is busy round me and each wave of sorrow stirr'd]Page Scan
89Let me cling to thy hand[Let me cling to thy hand]Page Scan
90I would live like Jesus[I would live like Jesus]Page Scan
91One sweetly solemn thought[One sweetly solemn thought]Page Scan
92Thro' the meadows green, inviting[Thro' the meadows green, inviting]Page Scan
93We'll gather the blossoms wherever we stray[We'll gather the blossoms wherever we stray]Page Scan
94Come with all thy sorrow[Come with all thy sorrow]Page Scan
95We are daughters of a King, wond'rous King[We are daughters of a King, wond'rous King]Page Scan
96I'm a sinner all undone[I'm a sinner all undone]Page Scan
97Who is this that forgiveth sins?[Who is this that forgiveth sins?]Page Scan
98We're a happy little band[We're a happy little band]Page Scan
99Loving Jesus, gentle lamb[Loving Jesus, gentle lamb]Page Scan
100Jesus is calling, "Come to me"[Jesus is calling, "Come to me"]Page Scan

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