Divine Echoes

Publisher: Hartford Music Co., Hot Springs, Ark., 1946
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d1Across the line between heaven and earth
d2After this weary life comes to an end
d3All day long of Jesus I am singing
d4All the saved of every land
d5Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, That saved
d6Another rose has fallen by the wayside
d7As daily we travel along the rough pathway
d8As down through this dark vale I wander
d9As I travel onward down the rugged road of life
d10As through life I travel often troubles come along
d11As we travel through this land, war and strife
d12As you go along the road
d13At Jericho, when the walls fell
d14Back in the days of long ago
d15Bells of heaven are ringing
d16Can't you see my Savior there
d17Come on, friends, and follow the Savior
d18Come ye [you] sinners, poor and wretched [needy], Weak and wounded
d19Daddy has gone to that beautiful shore
d20Daily I was drifting downward
d21Don't be discouraged when things go wrong
d22Down the sinful road I traveled
d23Every day, every hour, I am under the power
d24Every sin of every nation
d25Father, forgive us, for all past sin
d26For me the Lord prayed
d27From the fields of golden grain
d28Go and find a little place in secret
d29God be with you till we meet again
d30He gave his head to wear a thorn crown
d31Holy Ghost, with light [love] [power] divine
d32How long, O my Lord, will thou leave me
d33i am just a wayworn pilgrim
d34I am leaving this world and its sorrows below
d35I am so happy on the journey to that city
d36I come to thee poor and undone
d37I feel like singing a song as I travel along
d38I have a friend I trust each day
d39I have a home of wondrous beauty
d40I have heard the gospel story, how Jesus came
d41I once roamed in darkness
d42I once wandered out in sin
d43I will go to heaven, brother
d44I will sing and smile
d45If in times of danger and sorrow
d46I'll never forget what the Savior has done
d47I'm going away some wonderful day
d48I'm going on with Christ my Savior
d49I'm lonesome for heaven, the land of my dreams
d50In a land of strangers, facing many dangers
d51In my heart I carry a song
d52In the Bible we read of our blessed Redeemer
d53In the courts of heaven, standing
d54In this changing world many changes come
d55It takes the blood of Jesus
d56It's a long, lonesome road
d57I've closed the door on yesterday
d58I've heard of a land of pure delight
d59I've read of a country on a farway strand
d60Jesus, keep me near the cross
d61Love of God, all love excelling
d62March onward to glory, repeating the story
d63More about Jesus would I know
d64Must I go, and empty handed
d65My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness
d66My Lord suffered, bled, and died
d67My soul was lost and in despair
d68No shadows yonder, all is so bright
d69Not a single needed blessing has my Lord denied
d70O brother get ready for that singing day
d71O, grace of Jesus what a treasure
d72O soul, why stay away from Jesus
d73O thou blessed Rock of ages
d74O weary one from God Astray
d75O when I reach my home so fair
d76Often I'm hindered on my way
d77Once from my poor sin sick soul Christ did
d78Out in the cold, far from the fold
d79Safe within the circle of his great love
d80Sailing upon life's ocean
d81She's a little old fashioned
d82Sinner, now the Lord is calling
d83Soldieres, don't you hear the call
d84Some day I'll leave this world of sorrow
d85Some day the Lord will call me
d86Soon the Lord of glory's coming back to gather
d87Stop, look and listen while we're singing
d88The blessed old Bible, the only true guide
d89The cares of life, Lord, help me bear
d90The Jesus way is the way to walk
d91The Peasant of Nazareth walked one day
d92The worth of Jesus' love to me
d93There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d94There is a happy land of promise
d95There is just one way to travel
d96There's a beautiful city just over the way
d97There's a city fair and bright
d98There's a happy world of promise
d99There's a home prepared in heaven
d100There's a message of love from the Father above

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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