Divine Praise

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53Alas, and did my Savior bleed? And did my Sovereign die?
91Am I a soldier of the cross
95Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, That saved
49Amid the strain and stress of life
38Are you now ready friend
15As you travel onward through this world below
120Bells of joy are ringing
45Bowed down with sin, No hope from within
71Brightly beams our Father's mercy
136Burdens are gone, and I have a song
101Christ the great Redeemer's calling today
7Christ the Lord has been a precious friend
47Daily I ponder, why troubles press me
96Day had passed and gone
26Don't be denied, my brother
135Drifting with the careless throng
8Each time you smile and sing a song
4For years I have traveled
107From o'er the sea there comes
99Get ready for the by and by
111Glory to God in the highest, we sing
67God be with you till we meet again
72God shut Noah in the ark
64God's faithful saints are waiting
92Hark, the grain is ready
43Here our lives have many sunsets
74I am climbing up the highway
36I am clinging to the Lord
37I am in the glory way
133I am laying my treasures up in the sky
97I am so glad that our [my] Father [Savior] in heaven
19I am walking and talking with my dear Savior
98I have a friend who keeps me true
33I have contentment, love and enjoyment
11I have traveled through life's valley
14I may not own a mansion
48I want to be an example for the turth
0I will take my flight someday
84If you have lost your weight of sadness
132If you wander all alone in sin
110I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
108I'm just a lone pilgrim on my way to heaven
3In the army for right we are marching on
90In this world I roam often wandering alone
122In this world of sinful pleasure
50I've broken bonds of sin
114I've found a new life so full and sweet
109I've got a deep-seated feeling in this glad
35Jesus died all alone
34Jesus has blest my soul
105Jesus is a Friend who watches o'er us
82Jesus is with me every hour
41Jesus, Lord, and great Redeemer
54Jesus, our Lord and King, Praises unto him bring
40Jesus, Savior, dear Redeemer
21Just a few more trials in this world below
73Just as I am, without one plea, But [Save] that thy blood
31Just thinking today of that beautiful home
103Keep the glory hallelujahs rolling over land
78Living alone with Jesus
16Look to the Savior never despairing
126Lord, for today new strength I need
121Lord, my love and heart's devotion
65Many years have passed and gone
20Mid commotion and strife, on this great sea
79Must Jesus bear the [his] cross alone
77My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
129My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary
87Nearing the border, reaching the line
51Now you surely could if you only would
17O happy day when Jesus came
117O the army of salvation
44O what a wonderful morning
2O what a wonderful Savior divine
116Oft we talk and sing of heaven
28Often it seems the world will forget
118Often times in my memory I wander
89On every hand we can see both sin and strife
75On Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye
102On the road to glory, Jesus goes before me
83Once from my poor sin sick soul Christ did
12Once my life was sad and dreary
60Our blessed Lord from glory came
66Our Savior has said he'd go to prepare
137Pilgrim on life's highway, facing setting sun
69Precious Savior stay beside me
81Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
125Savior of mine, Savior divine
100Seems that I can see a little chapel
63Since the blessed King of glory
94Since the Savior saved my soul
9Skies out yonder will be a little brighter
61Some glad morning when this life is o'er
130Some glad tomorrow, no clouds
113Some tomorrow we'll be going
128Soon the Lord is coming in a cloud
115Soon we'll come to the end of life's journey
32Soul you're idly drifting
131Sweet thoughts of home are so dear to me
88The judgment day will surely come

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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