Doctor Watts's Imitation of the Psalms of David: to which is added a collection of hymns; the whole applied to the state of the Christian church in general (3rd. ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
244When God restor'd our captive stateTextPage Scan
245aWhen God reveal'd his gracious nameTextPage Scan
245bIf God succeed not, all the costTextPage Scan
246aIf God to build the house denyTextPage Scan
246bO happy man, whose soul is fill'dTextPage Scan
247Up from my youth, may Israel sayTextPage Scan
248Out of the deeps of long distressTextPage Scan
249aFrom deep distress and troubled thoughtsTextPage Scan
249bIs there ambition in my heart?TextPage Scan
250Where shall we go to seek and findTextPage Scan
251No sleep nor slumber to his eyesTextPage Scan
252aLo, what an entertaining sightTextPage Scan
252bBlest are the sons of peaceTextPage Scan
253aHow pleasant 'tis to seeTextPage Scan
253bYe that obey th' immortal KingTextPage Scan
254aPraise ye the Lord, exalt his nameTextPage Scan
254bGreat is the Lord, exalted highTextPage Scan
255Awake, ye saints: To praise your KingTextPage Scan
256Give thanks to God, the sovereign LordTextPage Scan
257Give thanks to God most highTextPage Scan
259Give to our God immortal praiseTextPage Scan
260Along the banks where Babel's current flowsTextPage Scan
261With all my powers of heart and tongueTextPage Scan
262Lord, thou hast search'd and seen me thro'TextPage Scan
263'Twas from thy hand, my God, I cameTextPage Scan
264My God, what inward grief I feelTextPage Scan
265In all my vast concerns with theeTextPage Scan
266aWhen I with pleasing wonder standTextPage Scan
266bLord, when I count thy mercies o'erTextPage Scan
267aProtect us, Lord, from fatal harmTextPage Scan
267bMy God, accept my early vowsTextPage Scan
268To God I made my sorrows knownTextPage Scan
269My righteous Judge, my gracious GodTextPage Scan
270aForever blessed be the LordTextPage Scan
270bLord, what is man, poor feeble manTextPage Scan
271aHappy the city, where their sonsTextPage Scan
271bMy God, my King, thy various praiseTextPage Scan
272Long as I live I'll bless thy nameTextPage Scan
273aSweet is the memory of thy graceTextPage Scan
273bLet every tongue thy goodness speakTextPage Scan
274Praise ye the Lord, my heart shall joinTextPage Scan
275I'll praise my Maker with my breathTextPage Scan
276Praise ye the Lord; 'tis good to raiseTextPage Scan
277Let Zion praise the mighty GodTextPage Scan
278aWith songs and honours sounding loudTextPage Scan
278bYe tribes of Adam, joinTextPage Scan
281Loud hallelujahs to the LordTextPage Scan
282Let every creature joinTextPage Scan
284All ye that love the Lord, rejoiceTextPage Scan
285aIn God's own house pronounce his praiseTextPage Scan
285bTo God the Father, God the SonTextPage Scan
285cLet God the Father, and the SonTextPage Scan
286aThe God of mercy be adoredTextPage Scan
286bYe angels round the throneTextPage Scan
286cNow to the great and sacred threeTextPage Scan
286dTo God the Father's throneTextPage Scan
IBehold the glories of the LambTextPage Scan
IIBehold, the grace appears!TextPage Scan
IIINaked as from the earth we cameTextPage Scan
IVLet every mortal ear attendTextPage Scan
VHow beauteous are their feetTextPage Scan
VIWho shall the Lord's elect condemnTextPage Scan
VIIOh, let me hear my Saviour sayTextPage Scan
VIIIHosanna to the royal SonTextPage Scan
IXBlest be the everlasting GodTextPage Scan
XBehold, what wondrous graceTextPage Scan
XIJehovah speaks — let Israel hear!TextPage Scan
XIIYe sons of Adam, vain and youngTextPage Scan
XIIINow in the heat of youthful bloodTextPage Scan
XIVVain are the hopes, the sons of menTextPage Scan
XVNot all the outward forms on earthTextPage Scan
XVINor eye hath seen nor ear hath heardTextPage Scan
XVIIDeceiv'd by subtle snares of hellTextPage Scan
XVIIILord, how secure my conscience layTextPage Scan
XIXThus saith the first, the great, commandTextPage Scan
XXThe potter moulds the pliant clayTextPage Scan
XXIThe law by Moses cameTextPage Scan
XXIIChrist and his cross are all our themeTextPage Scan
XXIIIThus saith the mercy of the LordTextPage Scan
XXIVWith joy we meditate the graceTextPage Scan
XXVSaints, at your heavenly Father's wordTextPage Scan
XXVIBehold how sinners disagreeTextPage Scan
XXVIISo let our lips and lives expressTextPage Scan
XXVIIILet Pharisees of high esteemTextPage Scan
XXIXHad I the tongues of Greeks and JewsTextPage Scan
XXXMy thoughts on awful subjects rollTextPage Scan
XXXIWhy should we mourn departing friendsTextPage Scan
XXXIIOnce more, my soul, the rising dayTextPage Scan
XXXIIIDread Sovereign, let my evening songTextPage Scan
XXXIVWelcome, sweet day of restTextPage Scan
XXXVStoop down, my thoughts, which use to riseTextPage Scan
XXXVIHow short and hasty is our lifeTextPage Scan
XXXVIICome, holy Spirit, heavenly DoveTextPage Scan
XXXVIIIThe great Redeemer's goneTextPage Scan
XXXIXWith holy fear, and humble songTextPage Scan
XLHow vain are all things here below!TextPage Scan
XLITime, what an empty vapour 'tis!TextPage Scan
XLIISing to the Lord ye heavenly hosts TextPage Scan
XLIIIHark from the tombs, a doleful soundTextPage Scan
XLIVBlest morning, whose young, dawning raysTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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