Fulton Street Hymn Book, for the use of union prayer meetings, Sabbath schools and families

Publisher: Board of Publication of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, New York, 1862
Denomination: Reformed Protestant Dutch Church (U.S.)
Language: English
Notes: Doxologies and Supplement Psalms are numbered separately
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201O Thou, that hear'st the prayer of faithPage Scan
202Just as I am-- without one pleaPage Scan
203When we cannot see our wayPage Scan
204My drowsy powers, why sleep ye so?Page Scan
205Alas! what hourly dangers risePage Scan
206Awake, my soul! stretch every nervePage Scan
207My soul, be on thy guardPage Scan
208I hear Thy word with lovePage Scan
209Oh! that the Lord would guide my waysPage Scan
210My dear Redeemer, and my LordPage Scan
211So let our lips and lives expressPage Scan
212Oh! for a closer walk with GodPage Scan
213While Thee I seek, protecting Power!Page Scan
214Let sinners take their coursePage Scan
215O could I find on every dayPage Scan
216Rejoice, believer, in the LordPage Scan
217Rise, O my soul, pursue the pathPage Scan
218Oh! that Thy statues every hourPage Scan
219Give to the winds thy fearsPage Scan
220O Lord, my best desires fulfilPage Scan
221Let me hear my Saviour sayPage Scan
222When languor and disease invadePage Scan
223It is the Lord enthroned in lightPage Scan
224Begone, unbelief, my Saviour is nearPage Scan
225Through all the downward tracts of timePage Scan
226Father, whate'er of earthly blissPage Scan
[227]Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
228One sweetly solemn thoughtPage Scan
229Forever with the Lord!Page Scan
230How can I sink with such a propPage Scan
231Come, we who love the LordPage Scan
232Children of the heavenly KingPage Scan
233God is our refuge in distressPage Scan
234When, overwhelmed with griefPage Scan
235God, my Supporter, and my HopePage Scan
236To Zion's hill I lift my eyesPage Scan
237Upward I lift mine eyesPage Scan
238Guide me, O Thou great JehovahPage Scan
239We seek a rest beyond the skiesPage Scan
240Gently, Lord, O gently lead usPage Scan
241My days are gliding swiftly byPage Scan
242Soldiers of Christ, arisePage Scan
243Am I a soldier of the CrossPage Scan
244Lord, I am Thine, entirely ThinePage Scan
245Ye men and angels, witness nowPage Scan
246What shall I render to my GodPage Scan
247Come, my soul, thy suit preparePage Scan
248Approach, my soul, the mercy seatPage Scan
249Lord, teach us how to pray arightPage Scan
250From every stormy wind that blowsPage Scan
251The Lord, who truly knowsPage Scan
252Sovereign of all the worlds on highPage Scan
253Teach us, O Lord, aright to pleadPage Scan
254No, never shall my heart despondPage Scan
255Glorious things of thee are spokenPage Scan
256Great is the Lord our GodPage Scan
257Arise, O King of grace, arisePage Scan
258I love Thy kingdom, LordPage Scan
259Far as Thy name is knownPage Scan
260How beauteous are their feetPage Scan
261Thus saith the mercy of the LordPage Scan
262If human kindness meets returnPage Scan
263How sweet and awful is the placePage Scan
264Ye wretched, hungry, starving poorPage Scan
265Hark! the voice of love and mercyPage Scan
266How condescending, and how kindPage Scan
267Oh! the sweet wonders of that crossPage Scan
268Saviour, visit Thy plantationPage Scan
269Met, O God, to ask Thy presencePage Scan
270We now, O Lord, approach Thy thronePage Scan
271Light of those whose dreary dwellingPage Scan
272Oh! for the happy hour Page Scan
273O Thou, whose hands the kingdom swayPage Scan
274Let Zion and her sons rejoicePage Scan
275Ascend Thy throne, almighty KingPage Scan
276Salvation! O the joyful soundPage Scan
277From Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
278Arm of the Lord, awake, awake!Page Scan
279Hail to the Lord's anointed!Page Scan
280O'er the gloomy hills of darknessPage Scan
281Yes! we trust the day is breakingPage Scan
282O Lord, our God, arisePage Scan
283Great heir of David's throne!Page Scan
284Who but Thou, almighty SpiritPage Scan
285Great Saviour, let Thy power divinePage Scan
286Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
287Sow in the morn thy seedPage Scan
288Jesus, Thy church with longing eyesPage Scan
289O Spirit of the living God!Page Scan
290Dear Saviour, if these lambs should strayPage Scan
291O Lord, behold us at Thy feetPage Scan
292Ye hearts, with youthful vigour warmPage Scan
293See the kind Shepherd, Jesus, standsPage Scan
294Let children hear the mighty deedsPage Scan
295Wake and lift up thyself, my heartPage Scan
296Hosanna, with a cheerful soundPage Scan
297Now from labour and from carePage Scan
298Great God, to Thee my evening songPage Scan
299Now, from the altar of our heartsPage Scan
300Safely through another weekPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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