Grace and Glory for Singing Schools and Conventions

Editor: Gaines & Branscum
Publisher: Hartford Music & Printing Co., Hartford, Ark., 1948
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d101There'll be no night in heaven
d102There's a happy home in glory for the soul
d103There's a home that's waiting for the soul
d104There's a land of joy supernal
d105There's a million things I'd like to do to serve
d106There's a place I'm told, built of purest gold
d107They tell me there's a long white robe for all
d108Though sometimes we're hindered by doubts
d109To a hill lone and gray Jesus traveled they say
d110Tonight as I think of my Savior
d111'Twas through love the blessed Savior died
d112We are a happy Christian band, pressing along
d113We are marching to the land of glory
d114We have lost our loving mother
d115What can wash away my sin [sins] [stain]
d116What will be your last excuse
d117When around me all is silent
d118When God dips his pen of love in my heart
d119When I gave my heart to Jesus
d120When my journey on earth is all over
d121When our work is ended and we have ascended
d122When the Lord shall come from glory back down
d123When the Lord shall come from the lofty skies
d124When the ransomed reach the portals
d125When the singers in convention
d126When the storms of life doth beset my way
d127When troubles overtake me in this world
d128When we've traveled the last long mile
d129When you get to heaven some morning fair
d130When your heart is heavy and your load is hard
d131Whene'er the last trumpet sounds
d132While on this earth we should work and pray
d133While traveling on the road to glory
d134Who is the sinner's best Friend
d135With an eye of faith I view that band
d136With trusting heart I seek thee, Lord
d137Ye Christian soldiers in the fight
d138You may have your worldly pleasures

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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