Harbor Bells

Editor: V. O. Stamps, T. J. Benton
Publisher: V.O. Stamps Music Co., Jacksonville, Tex., 1925
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d1A few more days, a few more tears
d2A picture made of mother dear
d3A pilgrim of earth, a stranger am I
d4All glory and honor to Jesus forever
d5Almost persuaded now to believe, Almost
d6Are you giving to the world a smile
d7Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep
d8At the post of duty, working for the crown
d9At your feet every moment, my brother
d10Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
d11Blessed Jesus, be thou near me While I wander
d12Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love
d13Brother, what of the seed you are sowing
d14Christ is making sinners free
d15Closely to Jesus I am clinging
d16Come, every soul by sin oppressed, There's mercy
d17Come, thou almighty King, Help us thy name to sing
d18Come to Jesus, come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now
d19Come with songs of praise
d20Death has again bereft us, again we've said goodbye
d21Do not grieve day by day just because over the way
d22Every trial will be over
d23Far away in realms of bliss
d24Glory songs will echo up above
d25Hark 'tis the Shepherd's voice I hear
d26Having faith in Jesus I have looked above
d27He is leading me, though I cannot see
d28He reigns as King
d29Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Early
d30How I love the great Redeemer
d31How sweet the thought of childhood days
d32I am lonely today
d33I am trusting in the Savior, He is with me each day
d34I can hear my [the] Savior calling
d35I have a home that is far, far away
d36I hear the Savior say, thy strength indeed is small
d37I hear thy welcome voice
d38I know that foes are always near
d39I love the sacred hour of prayer
d40I praise the Lord for saving grace, it fills me
d41I remember today, things my mother would say
d42I shall see my blessed Savior
d43I want to know my Savior's will
d44If you wish to be triumphant
d45If you would reach the land of endless day
d46I'm saved by the blood of the Crucified One
d47I'm so glad the blessed Savior
d48In fancy I can see that heavenly home
d49In the dreary lowlands
d50In the footsteps of our King
d51In the harvest field
d52In these latter days many calls are heard
d53I've left the regions of darkness
d54Jesus calls for men who are willing
d55Jesus is pleading with you today
d56Jesus, our hope eternal
d57Jesus, the blessed Redeemer
d58Keep straight ahead, the way is bright
d59Let us scatter sunshine all along life's way
d60Life is dreary, you are weary
d61Many are down in the lowlands of strife
d62March onward, army of the Lord
d63March steadily on, praising the Lord
d64My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
d65Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d66O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choice
d67O I'm seeking today that blest home
d68O Lord, where thy people [children] meet
d69O sleeper, awake, make no delay
d70O the boundless joy that came
d71O the joy of love divine
d72O to be like him, O to be like him
d73On Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye
d74On the resurrection morning We shall hear the clarion warning
d75Once I wandered in the night
d76One [A] sweetly [sweet] solemn thought comes to me o'er and o'er
d77Onward and upward still bravely we go
d78Onward, with a song of jubilation
d79Our Savior has said that he'll never forsake
d80Out beyond the golden sunset
d81Over death's river we shall cross
d82Over the hills of doubt and strife
d83Pass me not, O gentle Savior
d84Praise Jehovah, singing of love so rich and free
d85Precious memories, unseen angels sent from
d86Press along ye gospel legions
d87Reapers, rise, lift your eyes
d88Since I gave to Jesus my poor broken heart
d89Since I read that my friend gave his life on the
d90Sing the praise of Jesus as you go along
d91Some day adown the valley drear
d92Some day the way will not be fair
d93Soon this life will all be over
d94Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross
d95Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer
d96The blessed Lord of glory came
d97The Master is calling for reapers today
d98The tomb was sealed it is revealed
d99There is joy in the love Of the Savior
d100There is music in my soul today

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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