Hymn Book for Christian Worship

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201Great Ruler of all nature's framePage Scan
202God's power directs the rushing windPage Scan
203The God who reigns alonePage Scan
204Through endless years thou art the samePage Scan
205How gracious and how wisePage Scan
206Commit thou all thy griefsPage Scan
207Word of the ever living God!Page Scan
208Mark the soft-falling snowPage Scan
209Father of all, in whom alonePage Scan
210Upon the Gospel's sacred pagePage Scan
211The Spirit breathes upon the wordPage Scan
212Hear, O my people! to my lawPage Scan
213Now to the Lord a noble song!Page Scan
214Behold, the morning sunPage Scan
215How shall the young secure their heartsPage Scan
216Blest are the souls that hear and knowPage Scan
217Imposture shrinks from lightPage Scan
218Lord, I have made thy word my choicePage Scan
219Let all the heathen writers joinPage Scan
220How precious is the book divinePage Scan
221The heavens declare thy glory, Lord!Page Scan
222'T was by an order from the LordPage Scan
223How beauteous are their feetPage Scan
224Father of mercies! in thy wordPage Scan
225Thy sacred book we would surveyPage Scan
226Watchman! tell us of the nightPage Scan
227Calm on the listening ear of nightPage Scan
228While shepherds watched their flocks by nightPage Scan
229Hark! what celestial soundsPage Scan
230When in silence, o'er the deepPage Scan
231Brightest and best of the sons of the morningPage Scan
232Bright was the guiding star, that ledPage Scan
233Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes!Page Scan
234The race that long in darkness pinedPage Scan
235Joy to the world! the Lord is come!Page Scan
236Hail to the Lord's anointed!Page Scan
237John was the prophet of the LordPage Scan
238Behold the Prince of Peace!Page Scan
239In Judah's rugged wildernessPage Scan
240Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishPage Scan
241Come, thou long-expected Jesus!Page Scan
242The Savior comes! no outward pompPage Scan
243How sweetly flowed the Gospel's soundPage Scan
244Let every mortal ear attendPage Scan
245Come, said Jesus' sacred voicePage Scan
246Come unto me, all ye who mournPage Scan
247Come weary souls with sin distressedPage Scan
248Come hither, all ye weary soulsPage Scan
249And is the Gospel peace and love?Page Scan
250Thus said Jesus: Go and doPage Scan
251Behold the blind their sight receive!Page Scan
252Awake. our souls! and bless His namePage Scan
253My dear Redeemer and my LordPage Scan
254Thou art the Way; and he who sighsPage Scan
255Thou art the Way; by thee alonePage Scan
256Jesus and can it ever bePage Scan
257As Jesus sought his wandering sheepPage Scan
258To thee, O God! we homage payPage Scan
259Behold, where in a mortal formPage Scan
260Around Bethesda's healing wavePage Scan
261When power divine, in mortal formPage Scan
262Fear was within the tossing barkPage Scan
263Lord! thou didst arise and sayPage Scan
264"See how he loved!" exclaimed the JewsPage Scan
265The winds were howling o'er the deepPage Scan
266O'er the dark wave of GalileePage Scan
267Were not the sinful Mary's tearsPage Scan
268Ride on, ride on in majesty!Page Scan
269From Olivet's sequestered seatsPage Scan
270Why doth my Savior weepPage Scan
271He knelt,--the Saviour knelt and prayedPage Scan
272The morning dawns upon the placePage Scan
273O suffering Friend of human kind!Page Scan
274Behold the man! how glorious he!Page Scan
275Go to dark GethsemanePage Scan
276Thou, who didst stoop belowPage Scan
277Burden of shame and woe!Page Scan
278Bound upon the accursed treePage Scan
279"Father divine!" the Saviour criedPage Scan
280" 'Tis finished!" so the Saviour criedPage Scan
281He dies! the friend of sinners dies!Page Scan
282It is finished! glorious wordPage Scan
283Behold the amazing sightPage Scan
284Ye humble souls, that seek the LordPage Scan
285Morning breaks upon the tombPage Scan
286Angel! roll the rock stone away!Page Scan
287Hail the day that sees him risePage Scan
288O ye immortal throng Page Scan
289In the cross of Christ I gloryPage Scan
290Christ, whose glory fills the skies Page Scan
291O could we speak the matchless worthPage Scan
292All hail the power of Jesus' name!Page Scan
293O'er mountain-tops the mount of GodPage Scan
294Who shall behold the glorious dayPage Scan
295There's not a hope, with comfort fraughtPage Scan
296Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
297Let not the wise their wisdom boastPage Scan
298Not to the terrors of the LordPage Scan
299Sing we the song of those who standPage Scan
300The saints of earth and those abovePage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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